Philippe Poutou claims to have qualified for the presidential election

Philippe Poutou affirms it: he will be able to participate in the presidential election. ” The 500, we have them “, rejoices the NPA candidate in a video posted on social networks. ” We already know with feedback from activist teams, the figures we have, the forms we have seen and the very reliable promises that we will reach 500 “, he assures.

For the moment, the last count of the Constitutional Council of this Thursday only reports 439 signatures. The anti-capitalist teams have until Friday 6 p.m. to validate the missing signatures.

A few days ago, the former employee of Ford Blanquefort seemed in a very bad position to qualify, counting Tuesday, three days before the deadline, only 342 signatures. In just two days, the far-left candidate would therefore have achieved the feat of validating 150 sponsorships.

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The representative of the NPA was able to benefit from the support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who, in his capacity as MP for Bouches-du-Rhône, was kind enough to grant him his sponsorship. Earlier in the week, a rebel confided to the newspaper Liberation that a candidacy of this trade unionist would not be electorally disadvantageous: ” It’s not a problem if Poutou is in the election, on the contrary. It crystallizes a very radical thing, sometimes more than us. It helps us. »

If his candidacy is confirmed by the sages, he would then be the twelfth contender for the supreme office with Emmanuel Macron, Valérie Pécresse, Anne Hidalgo, Nathalie Arthaud, Jean Lassalle, Fabien Roussel, Yannick Jadot, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan , Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour.

And it would thus be the third presidential campaign for Philippe Poutou, following that of 2012 and 2017, even if he had nevertheless made it known that he would not be launching for a third round in 2022. I will be retired in 2022 “, he explained in 2017 to France Info, then questioned regarding a potential new candidacy. In 2012, Philippe Poutou collected 1.15% of the vote and 1.09% in 2017. For 2022, he does not set the bar much higher. ” If we make 1.5%, we are super happy “, he announced at the beginning of the week.



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