Phase II of FoMipymes is formalized, to enhance technology, financing and access to markets

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Javier Giménez, and the ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), José Chih-Cheng Han, signed the Letter of Intent to implement the FoMipymes Phase II project, which will provide an opportunity for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to excel in their businesses and in the provision of various services and products.

It was during an event held at the Mariano Roque Alonso Expo grounds, with the participation of the Vice Ministers of MSMEs, Gustavo Giménez and Industry, Lorena Méndez, as well as representatives of the private sectors and multilateral organizations.

The Minister of Industry and Commerce mentioned that this program follows the guidelines of the institution, through the Vice Ministry of MSMEs, to provide better access to credit, more markets, greater training and formalization of MSMEs.

He said that these types of programs benefit thousands of MSMEs with a great impact, helping key sectors in the development of microenterprises, such as leather and textiles.

He said that this time there will be a strong focus on the textile sector, taking advantage of Taiwan’s technology in the use of high-quality textiles, and that this knowledge will be transferred, he stressed.

The FoMipymes project is a joint initiative between the MIC and the Taiwan Technical Mission, which since 2019 has been working hard to strengthen business skills in the textile, clothing, yerba mate, leather and footwear, and dairy sectors, as well as organizing the four editions of the National MSME Award and the 2023 MSME Business Roundtable.

This initiative impacted more than 3,000 national micro-enterprises, achieving a 56% increase in income for specific sectors such as the dairy industry.

Application of technology

In turn, the Chinese ambassador (Taiwan) stated that from the first phase of the project, strong alliances were cultivated with institutions, which allowed the scope of the initiative to be expanded to benefit MSMEs.

In this regard, he assured that for this second phase, the Fomipymes Program will focus on the application of technology, access to financing and new markets, without neglecting training for business support advisors.

He added that the signing of the Letter of Intent will be reflected in the commitment to the development and competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Paraguay, jointly with the institutions, moving towards development.

Second phase of the program

For the second stage of the project, together with the Vice Ministry of MSMEs, it is planned to continue supporting the beneficiary companies by consolidating previous efforts.

This will include the continuation of successful initiatives such as the use of 3D tools in the prototyping phase of clothing and the introduction of functional fabrics from Taiwan, to position the textile sector in the international market, and the application of IoT (Internet of Things) technology to monitor the production process of Paraguay cheese.

On the other hand, an important focus of this second stage of the project is access to financing, which goes hand in hand with the work pillars of the Vice Ministry of MSMEs.

To this end, work will be done to develop programs and tools that facilitate access to credit, microcredit and other forms of financing, as well as to establish agreements between the Vice Ministry and financial institutions to offer appropriate financial products to microenterprises, the MIC reported.

#Phase #FoMipymes #formalized #enhance #technology #financing #access #markets
2024-07-22 19:26:03



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