2023-09-27 00:00:00
This measure is proposed in the next Social Security financing bill. Patients will soon be able to perform tests to detect angina or cystitis in pharmacies.
Antibiotic treatment if necessary
From 2024, it will be possible to carry out tests in pharmacies to detectangina and the cystitisreports Le Figaro. Patients might thus obtain antibiotic treatment if necessary, without going to the doctor. This measure is proposed in the next Social Security financing bill.
The restriction will be lifted
Since 2021, pharmacists can prescribe antibiotics following Trod (rapid diagnostic orientation tests) confirming the bacterial nature of the angina and urinary infections. However, a condition was established: they must work in health structures where a doctor agrees to delegate this task to them. This restriction will soon be lifted, because from next year, all 20,000 pharmacies in France will be able to dispense amoxicillin following a angina rapid test positive, or fosfomycin to treat occasional urinary infections.
With the establishment of this system, the executive intends to fight once morest antibiotic resistance in France where the consumption of antibiotics remains among the highest in Europe. Indeed, out of 6 million antibiotic prescriptions once morest angina, only 2 million would be justified, according to Health Insurance. It is also intended to relieve general practitioners and respond to medical deserts.
Representatives of pharmacists congratulated the acceleration in the field of screening tests. However, they wish to go even further by advocating access to “Trod CRP”, C-reactive protein, which can help avoid consuming antibiotics when they are not necessary.
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