2023-12-28 21:43:19
Pharmacies grouped in the Argentine Pharmaceutical Confederation (COFA) will present this Friday an appeal for protection once morest the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) of President Javier Milei and will lower their blinds for an hour in protest: “It leads to the destruction of the pharmaceutical profession.
According to the president of the entity, Ricardo Pesenti, the measure will be accompanied by a rally in front of the Court Palace, in downtown Buenos Aires. “This is not a political measure; In fact, many pharmacists voted for this government. However, we believe that there is ignorance of the serious consequences that this DNU brings,” explained the owner.
The pharmacies of Córdoba will accompany the march with a delegation and will sign the protection. They left it up to the decision of each associate to adhere to the closure for one hour, explained sources from the Council of Pharmacists of Córdoba.
Pharmacists’ arguments
“With the false argument of lowering the price of medicines, the DNU leads to the destruction of the pharmaceutical profession, undermining 20 articles of Law 17,565 on professional practice,” Pesenti argued.
DNU 70/2023, by modifying Law 17,565, eliminates the requirement that “medicines called over-the-counter and pharmaceutical specialties, whatever their status of sale, may only be sold throughout the territory of the Nation. in authorized pharmacies.” So they can be marketed freely.
It also leaves out the text that specified that “medicines called over-the-counter must be dispensed personally over the counter by pharmacists or persons authorized to sell them,” COFA indicated.
This is how the measure decreed by the Executive Branch eliminates the illegality of the sale of medicines outside of pharmacies and authorized businesses. According to current regulations, “the sale and delivery outside of these establishments is considered an illegal practice of pharmacy and, without prejudice to the sanctions established by law, those who carry out it may be reported for violation of the Penal Code.”
“It also leads to the end of pharmacies that are in the most remote neighborhoods, in the towns, benefiting the chains that are concentrated in large urban centers,” they added from COFA.
#Pharmacists #march #present #amparo #close #hour #Mileis #megaDNU