Pfleger bursts with “Anne Will” the collar: Lauterbach bedroppelt

Updated on 04/07/2022 06:52

SPD Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach ruled out another lockdown in the fall at “Anne Will” on Sunday evening. A nurse turned his angry speech directly to the minister. And a journalist criticized the report by the expert commission on the effectiveness of the corona measures as “vague” and “thin”.

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What will he Bring Corona autumn when the incidences are already so high? At “Anne Will“The guests argued regarding measures, especially one nurse’s collar burst.

That was the topic

Increasing 7-day incidences, increasing corona diseases in intensive care units: We are in the third corona year Deutschland for the first time in a summer wave. And this in a situation in which protective measures such as testing or the obligation to wear masks have already been reduced enormously. Anne Will spoke with her guests regarding the evaluation of the Corona measures by the expert committee, the age-related vaccination requirement and the abolition of free citizen tests.

The guests

Karl Lauterbach: The SPD Minister of Health came under a lot of pressure on the show due to the increasing numbers. He still ruled out another lockdown, he declared school closures to be “very, very unlikely”, he would have liked to continue the citizen test, but Germany “can no longer afford the costs of around one billion euros a day.” Lauterbach’s recipe for the Corona autumn: a new vaccination campaign, more real-time data such as wastewater monitoring and better protection of care facilities.

Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus: The FDP health politician sold the results of the expert committee on the effectiveness of the corona measures as a success. The report gave impetus for the reparliamentization of the debate, she explained. She vehemently rejected school closures, saying that the instruments from two years ago should not be unpacked once more. “Children and young people,” said the FDP woman, “were the losers of the pandemic.”

Ricardo Lange: The intensive care nurse was outraged that nurses were sent on short-time work during the Corona period and named numerous other grievances. Lauterbach said that you don’t make care better if you talk bad regarding it. “We don’t make the care better if we talk things over nicely,” Lange countered.

Christina Berndt: The science editor of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” sharply criticized the report of the expert commission. He was “vague”, especially the statements on the evaluation of the measures were “thin”. “It didn’t bring any knowledge gain.” Berndt criticized a culture in Germany where traditionally not enough data was collected. That would be with Corona – see waste water monitoring – partly completely harmless in terms of data protection law.

That was the moment of the evening

When it came to compulsory vaccination, Karl Lauterbach, who was otherwise cautious that evening, spoke plainly: “The fourth vaccination makes absolute sense,” he appealed to the citizens. This might significantly reduce mortality among the most vulnerable population groups.

That was the speech duel of the evening

When nurse Ricardo Lange spoke of anger, Lauterbach sat in his chair looking a bit bewildered. “We go into this autumn wave unprepared every time,” Lange complained. “What are you waiting for?”. Lange particularly criticized the lack of staff in nursing, which nobody wanted to talk regarding in the summer. “We are now in the third year of the pandemic, Mr. Lauterbach!”

The person addressed initially boasted regarding the long-term care relief law, the key points of which should come before the summer, but Lange was right on essential points. And the feeling of not being alone with your criticism.

But Lange, whose complexion was slowly turning red, felt that what felt like the 20th ministerial declaration in the last ten years to improve care conditions was not enough. “There is no staff there. All the clinics cheat. It only says on paper that there are enough staff there,” he claimed. Personnel are taken into account that are not at the bed at all.”

Lauterbach increasingly went on the offensive, “with all due respect” to Lange, of course. “Nothing has happened for ten years. Now they say it won’t come before the summer break,” he said, getting upset regarding the criticism of his course. This duel ended in a draw.

This is how Anne Will did

A talk Sunday on which the hostess was challenged on many fronts. “Has the FDP deliberately let a lot of time pass?” She probed Lauterbach. Knowing full well that the minister is critical of the liberals’ slowing down of the anti-corona measures. But Lauterbach did not let himself be lured out of his reserve, at most by small ones hints or a slip of the tongue, and cited the good cooperation in the coalition.Nevertheless, Will hit the bull’s eye here, knowing the differences between Lauterbach’s warnings as a “warner of the nation” and his policies as a minister.

Point of criticism: At the end of the show, the hostess seemed a little alarmist when she asked how to prepare for the “most terrible variant of Corona ever”. So far it does not appear that the omicron subtype BA.5, which is now dominant in Germany, leads to more severe diseases.

That’s the bottom line

Karl Lauterbach wants to give the countries many opportunities in the future to prepare for all possible scenarios – safer and more dangerous variants of the virus. However, he did not want to speculate publicly regarding the other measures. For Aschenberg-Dugnus from the FDP, one thing is certain: “It has to be constitutional.” She rejected compulsory vaccination from the age of 60 because there were not enough infected people in this group.

Nurse Ricardo Lange is not a big fan of facility-related vaccination requirements, as he suggested. So far, violations have almost never been prosecuted by the authorities. Despite his committed performance, Lange seemed a little resigned at the end. You might tell that he must have heard many flowery ministerial speeches regarding improving care conditions.

Overall, the mood of the group regarding the Corona autumn was surprisingly relaxed. Even Karl Lauterbach – presumably it was very difficult for him – did not go so far as to announce how catastrophic everything might be. In year three of the pandemic, a certain familiarization effect cannot be denied. Most citizens have gotten used to Corona and the accompanying circumstances. And that was also reflected in the expert opinions that evening.

Hostess Anne Will sounded the most alarmist with her “most terrible variant ever”. But she doesn’t manage to lure her guests out from behind the stove on a lukewarm evening of talk.

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Updated on 7/3/2022 5:52 p.m

The legal basis for corona protection measures expires in September. The traffic light wants to make quick preparations for this. However, the Chancellor and the Minister of Justice rule out certain measures. Photo credit: imago-images



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