The coach de mindfulness Ángela Losada affirms that those people who have a cat, a dog or another pet are happier and, consequently, are more productive. She discovers why the connection with companion animals and nature is beneficial for personal well-being in this video from Efficiently.
Companion animals, mental health and physical well-being
There are many studies that have confirmed that dogs and cats have a therapeutic effect on people’s health. In fact, animal therapy for therapeutic purposes has been used over the years to help people with many different mental and physical conditions.
According to an article published by Scientific Papers in 2011, the company of animals has positive effects on people who are recovering from addiction, who have suffered trauma throughout their lives, who are going through an identity crisis and those who have lost a loved one Dear.
In addition, having a companion animal not only has mental health benefits, but also physical ones. In research published by Anthrozoös it was evidenced that those people who interact from an early age with dogs and cats have a greater development of the immune systemhave less risk of infection and are generally healthier.
The simple act of walking a dog counts as physical activity, which increases the production of endorphins and happiness hormones. A similar effect has the purr of a cat. According to a study from the University of Sussex, the purr of the cat has an ideal frequency to reach levels of calm more quickly. This helps reduce cortisol levels, lower heart rate, and prevent cardiovascular failure.
Ángela shares other benefits that companion animals bring to people’s lives and well-being. Keep discovering more regarding productivity, mindfulness and yoga in the weekly episodes of Efficiently.
Who is Angela Losada?
Ángela Losada is an anthropologist from the Sorbonne University and has a career as a specialist in conflict management, a meditation teacher, yoga and mindfulness, and actress. With her startup, Uplift, she seeks to empower people to reach their full potential. She has worked with more than 30,000 individuals and private organizations.
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