Petros Psomas met with the Mayor of Rethymno

Petros Psomas met with the Mayor of Rethymno

The announcement of the municipal faction “Spiral” states:

The head of the spiral met with the Mayor of Rethymno Giorgis Marinakis as part of his meetings with successful mayors across the territory. The two men had a very constructive discussion on self-governing issues and established a close relationship that is set to develop.

Giorgis Marinakis has served the local government since 1998 and has been elected Mayor of Rethymnon continuously since 2006. He was recently elected president of the Regional Union of Municipalities (PED) of Crete, while he was re-elected for another term as President of the Union of Municipal Water and Sewerage Companies (EDEA) of all Greece .

The Mayor of Rethymno showed a special interest in the self-governing happenings in the Municipality of Patras and the discussion revolved around the current problems facing Patras and the potential ways to deal with them. Giorgis Marinakis declared himself a devotee of a political philosophy that resolves issues collaboratively, with openness, utilizing modern methods and all available financial tools.

The head of the spiral was also informed in detail about all the successful moves of the mayor in the sectors that have proven to be successful (tourism development, development projects, raising resources, daily life of citizens, upgrading of all school complexes, etc.).

Marinakis and Psomas finally discussed issues of common self-governing interest and committed to maintain contact and communication. The network of self-governing acquaintances of Petros Psoma is constantly enriched, as the search for good practices and worthy mayors constantly leads to new visits, meetings and discussions.

#Petros #Psomas #met #Mayor #Rethymno



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