Petro reported that a Venezuelan plane made an emergency landing in Cúcuta

  • Colombian aeronautical authorities activated a security protocol and authorized the aircraft to continue its flight to its destination.

The Colombian government confirmed on September 20 that the Venezuelan aircraft YV3226 landed on the runway of Camilo Daza Airport in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, without prior authorization due to an emergency.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro said the pilot had made the maneuver due to “an emergency.”

“We are waiting for a report from Aerocivil, which is the competent authority in the case,” said the president on his X account..

Later, the director of Colombia’s Aerocivil, Sergio Paris, described the incident as an “operational incident” and stated that the aircraft had been authorized by the air regulator because it landed in Cúcuta due to a circumstance of “confusion between nearby runways,” since the official destination was San Antonio del Táchira.

The aeronautical authority considered that the aircraft entered Colombian territory due to a dangerous situation, which was not detailed by Aerocivil.

The agency also confirmed that, based on information gathered from the crew, the aircraft was authorized to continue its flight to its final destination.

“The considerations apply to the crew, its passengers, their belongings, and their luggage, which for the purposes of the organization are part of an incident beyond their control, the cause of which corresponds to an alleged navigation error,” the statement reads.

Aerocivil also did not provide details on the identification of the crew members.

Colombia adhered to the Chicago Convention

Photo: ANI

Sergio Paris, as director of Aerocivil, stated that the Colombian aeronautical authorities adhered to the Chicago Convention, which recognizes the right to make technical stops in Colombian territory, as well as the use of aerodromes in emergency situations, as is the current case, derived from a circumstance of confusion between nearby runways.

The institution also assured that Colombian aeronautical regulations allow international aircraft to remain in the territory for a period of up to 48 hours.

“Colombia, as a signatory to the Chicago Convention, reiterates its commitment, pursuant to Article 25, to provide assistance to aircraft in distress in its territory,” Aerocivil said in a statement issued to the public.

Finally, Paris said that an investigation process will be initiated in conjunction with the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics of Venezuela (INAC).

What is the Chicago Convention?

The Chicago Convention, signed in 1944, is an international treaty that establishes the basic rules for civil aviation. It regulates safety, flight rights and cooperation between countries on air matters. Its main objective is to guarantee the safe and orderly development of international air transport.

Article 25 states that signatory states must allow aircraft in emergency situations to land on their territory without restrictions. In addition, the host country is obliged to provide the necessary assistance to ensure the safety of the aircraft, its crew and passengers.

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#Petro #reported #Venezuelan #plane #emergency #landing #Cúcuta
2024-09-21 13:13:43



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