Petro proposes Venezuela adopt a position like that of the National Front

Colombian President Gustavo Petro spoke out on Thursday about the situation Venezuela is going through after the presidential elections and advised the adoption of an alternative in the style of the Colombian National Front.

In your X accountthe official proposed the alternation of power between the administration of Nicolás Maduro and the opposition, a pattern that was used in Colombia between 1958 and 1974.

“The experience of the Colombian National Front is an experience that, if used temporarily, can help achieve a definitive solution (in Venezuela)”Petro wrote on the social network.

The National Front was signed by the Liberal and Conservative parties, a fact that put a stop to the excessive violence in Colombia. Every four years, the aforementioned political leaderships rotated power in the country..

“A political solution for Venezuela that brings peace and prosperity to its people depends on Nicolás Maduro”Petro added.

Likewise, the president presented points that in his opinion have an important role in the resolution of the Venezuelan crisis.

«Lifting all sanctions against Venezuela. General national and international amnesty. Full guarantees for political action. Transitional cohabitation government. New free elections“, wrote Petro.

He insisted again that “an internal political agreement in Venezuela is the best path to peace,” and that This only “depends on the Venezuelans.”

Recently, The Colombian president spoke about the issue and explained that the best thing for Venezuela and the region is an agreement to prevent further violence and another wave of migration.

He concluded his brief statement by pointing out that border populations can feel calm, because “will remain open to improve prosperity common to our peoples.”

According to UN figures, of the More than seven million Venezuelans have left the country In search of new and better living conditions, more than two million are in Colombia.

#Petro #proposes #Venezuela #adopt #position #National #Front
2024-08-23 13:28:10



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