Petro, Lula da Silva and López Obrador, accomplices of Maduro and responsible for the Holocaust in Venezuela

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Regardless of the vulgar and colossal fraud perpetrated by the Nicolás Maduro regime in the elections of July 28, the abstention of 11 countries and the absence of another 5, including Mexico, in the vote on the Resolution presented in the extraordinary session of the OAS that urged the Venezuelan authorities to immediately publish the minutes of the elections, is, in essence, what has allowed the Narco Dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro to remain in place, albeit shaky.

History will be merciless with the leaders of the 11 nations that abstained from voting, and of the 5 that did not attend the meeting, whose objective was to ward off the serious situation that Venezuela was and continues to face, given the implications and consequences that it will have for the hemisphere, all the result of a fraud announced, denounced and proven by the opposition, and warned about and ratified by neutral entities, including the Carter Center.

The countries that abstained from voting, as well as those that did not attend the session, are jointly responsible for the retaliations, harassment and atrocities carried out by the spurious Maduro regime against the opposition and the Venezuelan people.

Both abstention from voting and non-attendance at the meeting are inexcusable and deserve the most severe rejection and repudiation. Let us not forget that neutrality, indifference and indolence in the face of crime is a tacit form of complicity.

Not to mention the above, Gustavo Petro, Lula da Silva and Manuel Andrés López Obrador, in an act of the most shameless cynicism, had the audacity to issue a joint declaration, in which, among various nonsense, they stated: “Disputes over the electoral process must be settled through institutional means. The fundamental principle of popular sovereignty must be respected through impartial verification of the results.”.

The above statement is unacceptable, given that these regressive progressive rulers know well that, in Venezuela, there is no constitutional way, because Maduro controls all the institutions, including the National Electoral Council, made up of five shady characters who act as rectors, and presided over by the corrupt Elvis Amoroso.

Then, in the same statement, rather than urging the electoral authorities to ensure the fairness and transparency of the vote counts, they argue: “We call on political and social actors to exercise maximum caution and restraint in their demonstrations and public events in order to avoid an escalation of violent episodes.“In other words, so that they meekly accept the results and do not exercise their legitimate right to demonstrate and protest in the face of the evident and proven fraud that has taken place.

Despite all the absurdities contained in the declaration signed by Petro, Lula da Silva and López Obrador, I have used it to try to legitimize the fraud, and more than that, to gain time, given that he knows well that the end of the perverse Castro-Chavista farce is imminent.

The grotesque and colossal fraud orchestrated by Maduro and his henchmen is overwhelming and produces repulsion and disgust. That is why the free and democratic world must condemn this execrable crime, and the opposition and Venezuelan citizens must repudiate it, and demand all the records and the recount of the votes, although apparently, the records no longer exist.

In turn, the members of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela must be tried and sentenced with the utmost severity for having committed such a villainous act and crime.

The world must not forget that those most responsible for the biggest electoral fraud and the most brutal and bloody repression against the Venezuelan people are General Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense, and Mr. Elvis Amoroso, Maduro’s acolyte and president of the National Electoral Council. Justice must not have mercy on these villains and history will remember their crimes to their descendants.

It should also not be forgotten that, in 2018, Mr. Elvis Amoroso was appointed Comptroller General by the National Constituent Assembly, an institution promoted and dominated by the regime, and considered by the opposition to be openly unconstitutional.

And we must not forget that, without a court ruling and violating the legal order, Elvis Amoroso, during his term as Comptroller, disqualified 15 opposition leaders, including María Corina Machado, which determined that Edmundo González Urrutia ran for the presidency and not her.

That is why all democratic states, as has been happening, must condemn the schemes of dictator Maduro and his accomplices, and recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the legitimate elected president of Venezuela.

Furthermore, and as urgently requested by Senator María Fernanda Cabal Molina, the United Nations must immediately send a contingent of Blue Helmets to stop the massacre of the Venezuelan people at the hands of the dying Maduro dictatorship, still supported by some corrupt military and police officers who are traitors to democracy.

Honor to Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia; all our solidarity with the Venezuelan people and; repudiation of Gustavo Petro, Lula da Silva and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, supporters and swordsmen of the putrid Bolivarian Narco Dictatorship.

COLOPHON. In the face of the massacre of the Venezuelan people at the hands of the Maduro dictatorship, the complicit silence of Human Rights Watch; Amnesty International; the International Committee of the Red Cross; Pope Francis; the Kingdom of Norway; José Miguel Vivanco; José Luis Rodríguez-Zapatero; and the Jesuit priest Francisco de Roux is resounding.

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*Rafael Rodríguez-Jaraba. Attorney at Law. Legal Consultant. Corporate Advisor. Litigator. Associate Judge. National and International Arbitrator in Law. University Professor. Member of the Colombian Academy of Jurisprudence.

The post Petro, Lula da Silva and López Obrador, accomplices of Maduro and responsible for the Holocaust in Venezuela appeared first on Minuto30.

2024-08-05 03:35:08
#Petro #Lula #Silva #López #Obrador #accomplices #Maduro #responsible #Holocaust #Venezuela



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