Petro claims responsibility for arrests of dissidents in Antioquia but said nothing about UNP scandal

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Colombian President Gustavo Petro spoke on the morning of Wednesday, July 24, about the arrests made in recent hours of leaders of the FARC dissidents in Antioquia, after an impeccable operation by the Army’s Fourth Brigade, near the municipality of Barbosa.

The capture of the dissidents marked a hard blow for the guerrillas, as some of their most important members in the Magdalena Medio region were killed. Regarding this fact, Petro began by saying: “The self-proclaimed EM, General Staff, is a federation of illegal fronts, some of which, the fronts led by alias “Calarcá” among others, are in peace negotiations with the government.”

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He later explained that, thanks to these negotiations, some of his fighters “are covered by measures suspending arrest warrants, according to the law. While the dialogue takes place in previously agreed-upon places and tables.”

Petro then referred to the operations carried out in Antioquia and took credit for the results, as he assured that it was his government that captured them: “My government, thanks to the Army, has captured several members of the EMC in their displacement. Those who were not covered by the measure of lifting the arrest warrant will go to the criminal proceedings that are being carried out against them, and those who we promised not to capture previously, because they are delegates in the negotiations, will not.”

You may be interested in: Three of the 7 guerrillas captured in Cisneros are released due to suspension of arrest warrants

In the end, the president indicated that after this blow to the dissidents he hopes that “the fronts that are maintaining negotiations will definitively abandon violence and that those who decided on the path of war will be weakened to the maximum and defeated.”

Petro, silent in the face of the UNP scandal

Although the president spoke out almost a day after the operation, some political sectors in the country were waiting for Petro to explain why the National Protection Unit – UNP – trucks, which are to protect the lives of exposed people, were at the service of people who had outstanding arrest warrants.

Many people are also wondering why there was so much money in the trucks, as more than 100 million pesos were found there, and why there was weaponry that does not belong to the protection schemes, something that is prohibited.

The post Petro claims responsibility for arrests of dissidents in Antioquia but said nothing about UNP scandal appeared first on Minuto30.

2024-07-24 13:16:48
#Petro #claims #responsibility #arrests #dissidents #Antioquia #UNP #scandal



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