Petro attacks artificial intelligence and warns that it “destroys democracy”

Gustavo Petro Discusses the Risks of Artificial Intelligence at the UN General Assembly

Prior to his intervention in the United Nations General Assembly in New York, this Monday, President Gustavo Petro addressed the Future Summit Private Sector Forum. He expressed his concerns about the potential risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI).

The president warned that, if not harnessed wisely, artificial intelligence could threaten democracy, control humanity, and even lead to the possible extinction of human life. “The artificial intelligence can undoubtedly – and therein lies the danger – confuse any human being within a short period, blurring the line between reality and non-reality,” he said.

He elaborated: “The dividing line between fantasy, virtuality, and reality, which we see today in the proliferation of fake news, would be permanently obscured by artificial intelligence. This poses an immense danger in losing our grip on reality.”

Petro emphasized that while artificial intelligence was created to dramatically enhance economic productivity and the volume of goods produced per hour, it also has the potential to displace millions of workers, causing greater social inequality. He identified a critical concern: as AI increases productivity, it is also highly energy-intensive.

He stated, “If artificial intelligence relies on fossil fuels as energy sources, we could be facing, as Stephen Hawking predicted, an Armageddon.” He further added: “A scenario where humanity is controlled by AI could lead to [the] destruction of democracy and the rise of widespread chaos, as exemplified by ongoing events in Gaza.”

According to Petro, artificial intelligence could also exacerbate the ongoing climate crisis as it consumes vast amounts of energy to boost productivity. “The energy consumed is directed towards producing more and selling more, thereby contributing to the climate crisis.

Petro believes there is a need to transform the surge in productivity offered by artificial intelligence into meaningful free time for society. “This shift could lead us to discover creative avenues for global development.” He urged that we must move towards a global democracy that promotes the construction of clean energy for a future where the benefits of AI do not perpetuate private profits that lead to a greater social divide.

According to him, progress in AI should be tied to emancipated labor, allowing humanity to live richer and happier lives.

Understanding the Implications of Artificial Intelligence

The Risks of Artificial Intelligence

  • Democratic Threats: AI can create misinformation, impairing democratic processes.
  • Climate Concerns: High energy consumption of AI can worsen climate issues.
  • Job Displacement: Automation could eliminate millions of jobs, leading to economic inequality.

Potential Solutions

To navigate the challenges posed by artificial intelligence, some potential solutions include:

  • Implementing ethical AI development practices.
  • Investing in renewable energy to minimize environmental impact.
  • Creating universal basic income to support those displaced by automation.
  • Promoting digital literacy to help societies adapt to technological changes.

Case Studies and First-Hand Experiences

Case Study Outcome
Automation in Manufacturing Increased production but significant job losses.
AI in Healthcare Improved diagnostics, better patient outcomes but ethical concerns on data use.
AI in News Reporting Faster stories but issues with misinformation.

As the discussion about artificial intelligence unfolds globally, the importance of approaching it with caution and foresight grows more crucial. President Gustavo Petro’s warnings serve as a reminder that while technology can foster progress, its unchecked expansion can risk fundamental societal values.



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