Petition calls for protection against AI discrimination to be made a priority

Petition calls for protection against AI discrimination to be made a priority

The NGO AlgorithmWatch CH submitted a petition concerning artificial intelligence to the Federal Chancellery on Tuesday. Around 45 organizations are urging the Federal Council to prioritize protection against discrimination in upcoming AI regulations.

The petition arrives at a pivotal moment: Artificial Intelligence will be a primary focus for the federal government of Bern during the December session.

“Protection from discrimination by AI is essential not only from a fundamental rights standpoint but also from social, ethical, and economic perspectives. The misuse and unfair application of AI benefits no one. It is now the responsibility of the Federal Council to take action,” stated Angela Müller, director of AlgorithmWatch CH, while presenting the petition.

The NGO asserts that these computer programs can sometimes “reproduce, multiply, and reinforce existing injustices.” For instance, the organization points out that in the United Kingdom, an algorithm disproportionately flagged disabled individuals as suspected welfare fraudsters, referencing The Guardian.

Elected officials from nearly all parties

This “Appeal to the Federal Council,” as the organization describes its petition, is backed by over 45 organizations, including UNICEF, Amnesty International, and the Fédération romande des consommateurs. Nearly 3,000 individuals have signed the petition.

Members of Federal Parliament also support the initiative. Lawmakers from both the National Council and the Council of States, representing all major parties except the SVP, have signed the appeal. During the summer session, two motions were already proposed in the National Council with broad support from all parties.


AlgorithmWatch CH Petitions Swiss Government for AI Discrimination Protection

On Tuesday, the NGO AlgorithmWatch CH submitted a critical petition concerning artificial intelligence (AI) to the Swiss Federal Chancellery. The petition is supported by 45 organizations advocating for the prioritization of protection against discrimination in future Swiss AI regulations.

This initiative arrives at a pivotal moment as the federal government of Bern prepares to discuss artificial intelligence as one of its key topics during the upcoming December session.

The Urgency for AI Discrimination Protection

Angela Müller, director of AlgorithmWatch CH, emphasized the necessity of safeguarding against AI-induced discrimination from multiple perspectives, stating:

“Protection from discrimination by AI is necessary not only from a fundamental rights perspective but also from a social, ethical, and economic perspective. Because the misuse and unfair use of AI benefits no one. It is now up to the Federal Council to assume its responsibilities.”

Her words underscore a growing concern that algorithms can inadvertently reproduce, multiply, and consolidate existing injustices. For example, an algorithm in the United Kingdom disproportionately targeted disabled individuals for welfare fraud investigations, illustrating the dire implications of unchecked AI systems. This example was notably highlighted in an article by The Guardian.

Broad Support from Organizations and Politicians

Backers of the Petition

The appeal to the Federal Council has garnered support from more than 45 organizations, among them:

  • Amnesty International
  • Fédération romande des consommateurs

Moreover, nearly 3,000 individuals have signed the petition, demonstrating widespread public backing for the initiative.

Political Endorsements

Members of the Swiss Federal Parliament are also in favor of this crucial initiative. Representatives from both the National Council and the Council of States, spanning almost all major political parties (excluding the SVP), have pledged their support. Notably, two motions advocating similar concerns had been previously introduced in the National Council and received broad cross-party backing during the summer session.

The Importance of Regulating AI in Switzerland

The importance of regulation in the field of AI cannot be overstated. With technology evolving at a rapid pace, ensuring ethical standards in AI applications becomes essential. Regulation aims to mitigate risks associated with AI, including:

  • Unfair treatment based on personal attributes such as race, gender, or disability
  • Lack of transparency in decision-making processes
  • Accountability for algorithmic biases and errors

Case Studies Highlighting Risks of Unregulated AI

Several case studies from around the world underscore the necessity of implementing strong anti-discrimination measures in AI:

Country Issue Description
United Kingdom Welfare Fraud Investigation An algorithm was found to disproportionately flag disabled individuals as potential welfare fraudsters.
United States Judgment Algorithms AI systems used in legal settings resulted in higher sentencing for minority groups, raising concerns about systemic bias.
China Surveillance and Minority Targeting Facial recognition technology primarily targets ethnic minorities, leading to discriminatory surveillance practices.

Practical Tips for Supporting AI Regulation

Citizens and organizations can support the movement for fair AI regulations by engaging in several key actions:

  • Educate Yourself: Stay informed about how AI impacts society and the potential risks of discrimination.
  • Sign Petitions: Join initiatives like AlgorithmWatch CH’s petition to show support for ethical AI regulations.
  • Engage with Local Representatives: Advocate for local discussions on AI ethics and justice with your government representatives.
  • Share Information: Use social media platforms to raise awareness about the importance of AI regulations and human rights.


As discussions surrounding AI technology continue to shape our social landscape, the initiative taken by AlgorithmWatch CH highlights a critical juncture for civic engagement and governmental responsibility. With support from a coalition of organizations and a growing recognition of the risks posed by AI, the call for protective measures against discrimination is more pertinent than ever.



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