Peter Castle | Constitution Commission archives draft of Pedro Castillo on constituent assembly | Congress | POLITICS

With 11 votes in favor and six once morest, the Constitution Commission of the Congress sent to the archives the project of constitutional reform presented by the president peter castle that sought to submit to a referendum the call for a constituent Assembly draft a new constitution.

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Congressmen from Fuerza Popular, Renovación Popular, Avanza País, Alianza para el Progreso voted in favor of the file, while legislators from Perú Libre and Cambio Democrático defended the government project.

Previously, the working group dismissed by 10 votes once morest, 6 in favor and one abstention of a previous question by Congressman Waldemar Cerrón (Free Peru) to broaden the debate.

The Government promoted a campaign in favor of the referendum during the decentralized councils of ministers and via video driven by the PCM.

After this vote, the Minister of Justice, Félix Chero, wrote on his Twitter account that “Archiving a constitutional reform project that responds to the legitimate demands of the people shows that Congress legislates behind the backs of the citizenry”. Vladimir Cerrón, the sentenced former regional governor and founder of the ruling party Peru Libre, published on this same social network that “You can be sure that the people will never file this lawsuit which, on the contrary, is now more imperative than before”.

Check out the session here:

MIRA: Constituent Assembly: the arguments of the Constitution Commission to file the project

Follow the details of the session here:


The president of that working group, Patricia Juárez, presented a draft file decree. As reported by El Comercioit is questioned, for example, that it has not been possible to identify the cost-benefit analysis of the proposal and that there is a lack of rigor in the statement of reasons “because it contains copies of uncited texts – plagiarism.”

It indicates that the archive is chosen taking into account that the Government’s project is “incompatible with the Constitution”.

“This commission, in accordance with article 70, literal c) of the Regulations of Congress, which states that, without issuing an opinion, it can flatly reject those proposals that are incompatible with the Political Constitution, or for being a copy of other projects, among other causes. ; decrees its shelving outright, for being contrary to the constitutional principles and values ​​established by the will of the constituent power, ”he adds.

Constitution Commission might file Constituent Assembly project.

Read the full text of the archive decree here:



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