Pétanque: Hot quarters in Ajaccio!

2024-09-29 09:27:49

Rocher, Sarrio, Thailand, Puccinelli, Lacroix… The posters for the quarter-finals look set to be hot at the Ajaccio International!

Ajaccio is hot. This weekend of September 28 and 29, the stars of pétanque are in Corsica. At the Ajaccio International, we are at the quarter-final stage. Show, suspense and high level guaranteed given the star-studded posters on the program. This Sunday, the quarters offer real shocks between leading players.

Rock facing Sarrio

At the end of Saturday evening, the show is provided by Dylan Rocher and Diego Rizzi. The Franco-Italian duo did wonders to escape the Santucci-Delahaye-Desport trap. With Philippe Pietri, the trio from Fréjus International Pétanque continues its journey. Next stop: a real piece of the Lyon region. Christophe Sarrio, licensed at Bron-Terraillon, plays with Alexandre Mallet, of the Lyon Canuts. With Jean-Claude Jouffre, they are heading towards quite a shock for a place in the semi-finals.

On the way to the final square

The other big poster in these quarter-finals pits Thailand against the Puccinelli triplet. Following their European tour, the Thais are still dangerous in Ajaccio. The nugget Ratchata Khamdee is there, with Sarawut Sriboonpeng and Supan Thongfoo. They face a balanced and unique triplet, with Pierre Maurel, Jean-Michel Puccinelli and Basil Jackel. A very complementary trio, with well-defined roles, with players used to the last four in major tournaments. This promises to be a great shock!

On the other side of the table, we find Marc Tierno, with Frédéric Bauer and Gino Deslys. The trio took out the Corsican Joseph Barbato in the eighth, to find the triplet Laurenti in the quarter-final. Alexis Pinault, David Tomasini and Thierry Fouillard continue the little man’s path. In the quarters, they find a triplet semi-finalist from the Mondial La Marseillaise this summer. From the Lacroix family I ask Angelo and Thierry, with Johan Demol. The Alpes de Haute-Provence players are moving forward with confidence.

The favorites still there

In the quarters, only Mouna Beji and Marie-Angèle Germain are missing from the list of favorites. The other headliners are all still there, on the verge of the semi-finals. Charlotte Darodes and Florence Schopp, Anaïs Lapoutge and Emilie Vignères, Alexia Pinto and Tiphanie Lellouche or even Fanja Aubriot and Gidgia Aït Tabir, without forgetting the Monegasques Laura Vierjon and Camille Podair… Some great performances to come for the women.

#Pétanque #Hot #quarters #Ajaccio



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