PETA offers breeders affected by avian flu to convert to “false fat”

Avian flu has not spared French breeders for two years and this year again, the consequences of the epizootic are disastrous. More than 16 million poultry have been euthanized in an effort to stem the spread of the disease and the sector has been severely affected from an economic point of view, not to mention the trauma of the breeders of seeing all of their animals exterminated.

Wanting to surf on this disaster affecting breeders, the animal association PETA suggested that foie gras professionals convert to make “faux gras”, a vegan version of foie gras made from oils and apple starch. earthen.

To do this, the association sent a letter to the interprofessional committee of palmipeds with foie gras to offer them this conversion and to participate financially in the transition to faux gras.

The president of the committee, Marie-Pierre Pé, reacted to this missive with France Blue and does not understand how the animal association could attempt such an approach in such a hard time for breeders:

« Offer this solution to professionals who are still in shock from a health crisis of which they are victims. This campaign is indecent and manipulative.«

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