PestiRiv study: focus on the 2nd survey period to better understand exposure to pesticides in wine-growing areas | Handles

2022-05-06 15:01:51

What is PestiRiv?

As a reminder, the objective of the PestiRiv study is to better understand the exposure to pesticides of people living near wine-growing areas.

Why the vines? Because, in France, they are among the crops most treated with phytopharmaceutical products and, moreover, they are particularly entangled with residential areas.

How are participants recruited? The households which have been drawn at random are informed by mail and then contacted by an investigator from the Ipsos Institute, who explains to them what this study consists of and the practical arrangements for their participation. Participation is not obligatory but high membership is desired to guarantee representativeness of the different exposure situations.

Why a two-stage study? Two periods of the year are targeted by the PestiRiv study. From October 2021 to February 2022, the aim was to observe the exposure to pesticides of residents living near wine-growing areas outside periods of phytopharmaceutical treatments in the vineyards. Today comes the heart of the study, which takes place during the spreading period. This 2nd period started in March 2022 and will continue until August 2022. Its objective: observe the exposure of people living in wine-growing areas and those living far from any cultivation during periods of pesticide treatment of the vines.

Who can participate?

The first concerned by this second phase of the study are the 770 local households having participated in the 1st. They will be called upon once more, but this time during the pesticide treatment period, which will allow us to obtain a comparison of their exposuresoutside and during treatment periods.

Of new participants will also be integrated into the study during this 2nd period of two types:

750 new households outside wine-growing areas – more than 5 km away. They are in principle not exposed to pesticides spread on the vines but probably to other sources of pesticides, which means that they will play the role of witnesses;

750 new households living near wine-growing areas which will be added to the 770 households already included during the first period in order to broaden the base of participants and obtain a maximum of samples from these people living near the vineyards.

We are currently in the key period when the exposure of residents of wine-growing areas to pesticides is the greatest. The data collected will make it possible to identify overexposure to pesticides in these populations, study their causes and ultimately identify potential levers on which to act to reduce exposure.

Why assess the exposure of local residents outside of treatment periods?

Treatments on vines are not the only source of exposure for local residents. There are others, like food for example. This is why with the PestiRiv study, we are trying to characterize all possible sources of exposure for a given list of pesticides, by questioning participants regarding their eating habits and the use of pesticides at home. or even on their professional activity. This study of unprecedented scale will provide us with numerous and valuable data on the different sources of exposure to pesticides. Its success is largely based on the number and involvement of participants. We thank in advance the people who will join us and help take action to reduce exposure

If you are drawn, we are counting on your positive response, the little time you give us will be precious to better protect everyone’s health.

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