Behind the defeat of the Peruvian team once morest Australia, which leaves us without participating in the Qatar 2022 World Cup, many have tried to find an explanation for this debacle. One of them was the sports journalist Gonzalo Nunez.
YOU WILL BE INTERESTED | Ricardo Gareca will no longer be coach of ‘Blanquirroja’, they assure from Qatar [VIDEO]
For the popular ‘Castor’, the Peruvian team arrived in a superb way to the playoff game, feeling superior to Australia when the reality was different.
“It is a failure to lose like this with pride once morest Australia. Australia from the start of the game went looking for him, I had said on Friday that it was going to be complicated “he pointed out in the most recent edition of the ‘A Prensa Radio’ program.
“For me, the rival was underestimated and the game in Australia ended up making some players in Peru nervous”he added.
In that sense, Núñez used a strong qualifier to graph the nerves that the players felt during the match in Qatar. “It can sound very brave and I assume my words, totally. Today, Peru shit… in its pants. Call it a lack of hierarchy or whatever, but in Peru it was believed that Australia were lame and we were going to beat them.”narrowed down
Gareca will no longer be coach of ‘Blanquirroja’, they assure from Qatar
The elimination of Peru to Qatar 2022 caused the abrupt resignation of Luis Advíncula to his participation with the ‘Blanquirroja’, which he would rethink minutes later. But who will not back down from his decision to depart from the peruvian national teames Ricardo Gareca. The coach had already resolved his future before flying to Barcelona and in the next few hours he would formalize his definitive departure from the FPF.
Ricardo Gareca held repeated meetings with Agustín Lozano, president of the FPF, and Juan Carlos Oblitas, sports director, to guarantee his continuity in Videna. However, none of these interlocutors were able to convince him of the idea of remaining in case Peru did not classify Qatar 2022. ”The hope of going to our second consecutive World Cup is over. This adventure has ended here, it is impossible not to break and Ricardo Gareca’s cycle ends here, because he will no longer be the coach of the Peruvian national team “revealingly said José Lara, producer of ‘La Fe de Cuto’, who traveled with Luis Guadalupe to Qatar.
“This was already known within the Peruvian national team, that no matter what happens, his cycle with the national team had ended. These are difficult times, but you have to overcome them. It is painful, the pain of the whole country is understood “acknowledged the popular ‘Huachano’ from Doha, where Peru is preparing the return flight.
Agustín Lozano spoke regarding the continuity of Ricardo Gareca
The president of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF), Agustin Lozanowas consulted regarding it and his response was forceful. He preferred to focus on thanking the Argentine technical director before talking regarding his permanence.
“We haven’t talked regarding that today. We are very grateful to Ricardo (Gareca), with his technical command. We have not talked at all regarding the subject and I think that these days there will be a lot of dialogue, a lot of conversation. We are definitely going to have a meeting with my board of directors. With all those who make up the family of the leadership and the technical command”pointed out to the cameras of América Deportes.
“Quite sad, but grateful for all the effort of the boys, of the technical command work. In football, anything can happen, but we have this week of analysis, reflection and seeing what we have to do for the next World Cup cycle”, he added.