Peruvian Government Subsidies: Verify Your Eligibility for the 400 and 500 Soles Bonuses

2024-02-05 17:44:17

The Government grants these subsidies to thousands of citizens on Peruvian soil. Here we explain the steps to verify if you are on the list of beneficiaries.

Learn more information about the School Bonus of 400 soles and Bonus 500 in Peru. | Composition: Libero

The current management led by Dina Boluarte is offering different economic supports with the aim of benefiting the population, including the Bonus of 400 and 500 soles. Would you like to know if you meet the requirements to receive these subsidies? In this text, we provide you with exhaustive details about the criteria and who is eligible to access these financial support.

Who collects the 400 soles Bonus?

Through Supreme Decree No. 001-2024-EF, the delivery of the School Bonus corresponding to Fiscal Year 2024 for public sector employees who are under certain regimes. It is important to note that this bonus is granted annually, providing financial support to workers to cover expenses related to education.

  • Officials and servants appointed and hired under the Decree regime. Legislative 276, Law 29944 and Law 30512.
  • University teachers referred to in Law 30220.
  • Health personnel contemplated in Legislative Decree 1153.
  • Permanent and temporary workers in the public sector.
  • Personnel of the Armed Forces and the National Police of Peru.
  • Pensioners included in the regimes of Law 15117, Decree Laws 19846 and 20530, Supreme Decree 051-88-PCM and Law 28091.
  • Penitentiary servants, as established in numeral 1 of article 24 of Law No. 29709, Law of the Special Public Penitentiary Career.
  • Public Sector Workers who are under the labor regime of private activity, in accordance with numeral 7.2 of article 7 of Law No. 31638

Bonus payment date of 400 soles

The disbursement of the School Bonus has been scheduled for the end of January 2024 or, if it does not occur on that date, it will be carried out in February, just before the start of the 2024 School Year. In the event that the beneficiaries do not manage to receive the amount on the established dates, they are assured the right to obtain it in June of the same year.

400 soles bonus, LINK query: How to collect?

It’s important to put attention on There is NO official link for consultation with DNI for users to verify if they are beneficiaries or to know if the money has reached their account. Relevant information can be obtained by reviewing the pay slip for the corresponding month.

500 soles bonus: beneficiaries in Peru

Through Ministerial Resolution No. 549-2023-VIVIENDA, the delivery of the Housing Lease Bond for Emergencies (BAE) of 500 soles, for the areas affected nationwide by the effects of the El Niño Phenomenon.

Bonus of 500 soles: Requirements to collect the subsidy

Beneficiaries of the Lease Bonus must complete the form of the National Information System for Response and Rehabilitation (Sinpad) of the National Institute of Civil Defense (Indeci).

In addition, they must submit the application to obtain the Housing Rental Bonus for Emergencies (BAE), an affidavit certifying that they do not own another home in the same apartment and the rental contract for the home, signed by both parties.

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