Peru Libre: congressmen Elías Varas and Jorge Coayla also resigned from the ruling party Waldemar Cerrón RMMN | POLITICS

Congressmen Elías Varas and Jorge Coayla also resigned from the caucus of Free Peruwith which the official parliamentary group added 19 casualties and was left with only 18 members in less than a year.

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The news was reported this Friday, June 3, by the spokesman for Peru Libre, Waldemar Cerronthrough a document sent to the senior official of Congress, Hugo Rovira Zagal.

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In less than a week, three legislators left the ranks of the ruling party. Last Thursday he resigned Oscar Zeawho was Minister of Agrarian Development and Irrigation and who argued “reasons of principles and conscience”.

Official letter sent by the spokesman for the Free Peru caucus. (Photo: Congress)

The ruling caucus was the parliamentary group with the most members, after the party obtained the largest number of votes in the first round of the last general elections. Nevertheless, In less than a year, 19 resignations have already been recorded..

In December of last year, the first great schism took place in the government caucus. After the majority of Free Peru voted against the motion of censure against the president of Congress, María del Carmen Alva, legislators such as Hamlet Echeverria, Roberto Kamiche, Betssy Chavez, Nieves Limachi and Guillermo Bermejo they resigned and formed Democratic Peru.

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The resignations continued in May of this year, when, after the election by the plenary session of Congress of the new magistrates of the Constitutional Court, 10 parliamentarians from Peru Libre decided to resign from the ruling party to form a new group called the Magisterial Block.

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The members of this new bench are: Álex Paredes, Pasión Dávila, Francis Paredes, Elizabeth Hermosilla, Segundo Quiroz, Paúl Gutiérrez, Edgar Tello, Germán Tacuri, Katy Ugarte and Lucinda Vásquez.

To these resignations were finally added those of Jorge Marticorenapresented last week, and that of Oscar Zeawho formalized his departure last Thursday.

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