Peru issues epidemiological alert for new strain of Mpox (monkeypox)

Peru’s Ministry of Health (Minsa) issued an epidemiological alert to all its health centers on Friday due to the risk of introducing a new lineage or clade Ib of Mpox in the country, although no cases have been reported so far. The alert, issued by the National Center for Epidemiology and Disease Control (CDC Peru), urges strengthening surveillance and epidemiological research actions in the various regions and health directorates.

CDC Peru has recommended strengthening the capacity of health professionals, adapting care services for possible cases of Mpox, and improving the operation of laboratories with genetic material necessary for the identification of the disease.

In addition, the need to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines, supplies, and human and logistical resources to implement vaccination strategies targeting risk groups has been raised.

As a preventive measure, inspections of establishments such as hotels, saunas, gyms and tattoo parlours will be coordinated with local and regional authorities to reduce the risk of the disease spreading from the community.

The director of CDC Peru, César Munayco, reported that to date Peru has not reported cases of the new lineage or clade Ib, which has been identified in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other African countries. In 2024, Peru has registered 77 cases of serotype or clade IIb, related to the lineage detected since 2022, with no deaths from the disease reported.



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