Peru Dollar Price TODAY according to BCR December 19

Today, December 19, the price of the dollar in Peru vforgot to go down

Next, find out the exchange rate in the interbank market and the price for purchase and saleat money changers, exchange houses and financial entities.

How much is the dollar today in Peru

According to him Central Reserve Bank (BCR), the price of the green ticket went from S/ 3,839 to S/ 3,838 at the interbank level.

The price of the dollar presented a fall of more than 0.05%.

Through Friday, the dollar was flat as major central banks raised interest rates in their late-year policy decisions, a day after the US Federal Reserve.

The dollar is down, while the peruvian sol It strengthens and rises 0.3% in the midst of a political crisis that has taken over the country since the inauguration of the now president Dina Boluarte, who announced that between today or tomorrow she will present her new ministers, according to

Despite the result registered, it is still estimated that so far this year the exchange rate is 3.83% lower than what was registered at the end of the previous year.

Dollar price for buying and selling

According to the platform, today exchangers buy the dollar at S/ 3.82 and sell it at S/ 3.84 on average.

In digital exchange houses it is estimated that the green ticket is bought at approximately S/ 3.82 and is sold at about S/ 3.84.

While in banks, the exchange rate for purchase ranges between S/ 3.74 and S/ 3.80 and for sale varies between S/ 3.88 and S/ 3.99.

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It is worth mentioning that this price of the dollar will remain in that range until the next day at 09:00 am when the exchange market in Peru starts again.

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