Peru announced new measures for Venezuelan migrants

Peru announced new measures for Venezuelan migrants

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  • The measure, according to President Dina Boluarte, is to fight against organized crime in that country

The president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, announced this Tuesday, October 22, that the Executive will promote adjustments to regularize the situation of Venezuelan migrants, such as the requirement that they show work and rental contracts, as well as monitoring the sending of currency out of the country. , with the aim of fighting organized crime.

“We are going to monitor the foreign currency and remittances that are sent outside the country, to know where they generate those incomes. And those who do not answer in a certain way where their income comes from, well, that’s where we are going to fall,” said Boluarte in the balance of his government management of the last eight months.

After more than 100 days without declaring to the press, Boluarte specified that they are going to make adjustments in Immigration to require “every Venezuelan”, who apparently works legally, to present the work and rental contract.

In this sense, the president also asked property owners to be careful of “who they rent” their homes to.

We are going to go hand in hand with the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) to be able to control those who rent and those who do not demonstrate where their income is from,” he reiterated.

“We will throw out the criminals”

The president addressed the issue of the wave of extortion and organized crime that Peru is going through and assured that they will capture foreign criminals.

“To the foreign criminals who are in our country, we tell them, we will throw them out of the national territory, we are not going to allow them to stay another day in our territory,” said Boluarte.

He referred to the fact that the departure of some 9 million Venezuelans due to the failure of Nicolás Maduro’s government “affects all countries in the world” and that there is an exodus of migrants that has not been seen “since the time of Moses.”

In this sense, he added that, for years, Peru left its borders open to Venezuelan migrants.

“We know well who has left our borders open, and thousands of them have entered without even mentioning their names on our borders. And those subsequent governments have been doing nothing against crime,” he indicated.

Venezuelan Embassy in Peru canceled consular attention: the details
Photo: EFE

They do not recognize Maduro as elected president

On September 6, Boluarte stated that his country “will never be on the side of dictatorships that bring hunger and underdevelopment to its population” and ratified his demand that the minutes of the presidential elections held in Venezuela be published.

We are not going to be part of electoral fraud; We are not going to support a dictatorial government. We are a democratic nation that respects the rule of law, institutions and the Constitution,” the ruler emphasized during an official activity.

He recalled that, in recent weeks, his country has demanded that the Venezuelan authorities present the minutes of the elections, which according to the National Electoral Council (CNE) was won by Nicolás Maduro, while the opposition points out that Edmundo González Urrutia was its standard bearer.

“He who owes nothing, fears nothing, let it be counted amphora by amphora, vote by vote. If the opposition has presented the minutes on the Internet, granting victory to its candidate, it is up to the ruling party to do the same and present its minutes, in order to resolve this situation definitively,” he said.

With information from EFE

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