Pertamax Price Drop Gives Pertashop Profit Opportunity

Strategic Location is the Key to Pertashop Business Success. (MI/Ardi)

The Indonesian Red and White Pertashop Association appreciates Pertamina’s move to start lowering the price of non-subsidized fuel oil. pertamax series and dex series starting September 1, 2024.

“Pertashop owners are very grateful for this price reduction, hopefully Pertamax sales turnover at Pertashop will increase again,” said HPMPI General Chair Steven, Sunday (1/9).

He explained that with the Pertamax price reduction policy, Pertashop can sell non-subsidized fuel more competitively, especially with the Pertalite retail sellers that are rampant in the regions.

“We are grateful that Pertamina has paid more attention to the determination of Pertamax prices. There is a difference in the prices of Pertamax and Dexlite between gas stations and Pertashop. And now the price disparity between Pertamax and Pertalite is getting smaller,” he said.

The increasingly narrow price disparity, he continued, can certainly divert consumers’ attention in obtaining fuel. Consumers will consider better RON quality fuel at affordable prices, rather than having to buy subsidized fuel sold by illegal retailers but at prices not much different from Pertamax sold at Pertashop as an official distributor.

The price of Pertalite sold by retailers, he said, is usually around Rp. 12,000-13,000 per liter.

Currently, as of September 1, 2024, Pertamax has experienced a price reduction. At gas stations, the price of Pertamax has dropped by Rp750 per liter, from 14,300 to 13,550.

“The price disparity of Pertamax is not much different from Pertalite fuel sold by retailers,” said Steven.

Meanwhile, at Pertashop, he continued, Pertamax can be obtained cheaper again because the price has dropped by IDR 850 per liter, from the original IDR 14,100 to IDR 13,250 per liter.

“At Pertashop, it is Rp300 cheaper per liter (the price difference between gas stations and Pertashop as of August 10, 2024 was only Rp200 per liter, now it is Rp300 cheaper), this is so that it can compete with the many retail outlets in remote areas,” he said.

With the increasingly narrow price disparity between Pertamax and Pertalite, this is also an effective step to suppress or close the gap in fuel sales by retailers.

Fuel sold in retail cannot be guaranteed in terms of purity and accuracy of the amount of measurement, and this can be detrimental to the public as consumers. (Ant/E-2)

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