(MENAFN– Al-Bayan)
NASA’s “Perseverance” finally deposited its first sample of Martian rocks to return to Earth, according to the “Daily Mail”.
The robot began its mission to find ancient biomarkers in the mud on the Red Planet on April 22 that might indicate the presence of alien life there.
The rover has been roving around the delta to look for sampling sites that might contain ancient organic microbes, before drilling for the sample.
The titanium tube contains a core of igneous rocks extracted from the Jezero crater area on Mars on January 31.
The specimen has been unofficially named Malay, a duplicate of one of 17 specimens currently hidden in the heart of Perseverance.
This marks the first ten duplicates that will be deposited here over the next two months, but ideally, they won’t be needed.
The plan is for Perseverance to deliver its original samples to a robotic lander that will reach Mars in the future.
The probe will then use a robotic arm to place the tubes into the containment capsule of a small rocket, which will then be launched into Mars orbit.
There, another spacecraft will come to pick up the containment capsule and bring it back to Earth.
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