Perseid Shooting Stars: Best Time to Observe the Celestial Phenomenon in August 2023

2023-08-15 17:07:00

Perseid shooting stars in the sky: The highlight of the sky spectacle is again in August. (icon picture)

© Peter Komka/dpa

August is shooting star season. For astro fans, the question now arises as to when the Perseids can be observed. The time is also important.

Berlin – Summertime is known to be shooting star time. Not only in July, but also in August 2023, astro-highlights will lure numerous stargazers outside to observe the stars or the moon on warm summer nights. After the supermoon at the beginning of the month, there is now another highlight: The Perseids have been showing since the end of July, but now the star shower is growing to its maximum. When is the best time to see the Perseids.

Perseids: When the shooting stars are visible in the sky

If you look into the night sky on a clear day, with a bit of luck you will discover the Perseid shooting stars. Every year in August, the celestial phenomenon reaches its peak and delights stargazers worldwide. Important: Where to see the Perseids. There are particularly good observation opportunities in the northern hemisphere. Looking east or northeast at night is usually a good starting point for observation. The origin of the star shower lies in the constellation Perseus – from which the name of the Perseids comes. In August 2022, however, observing the Perseids was sometimes difficult.

But when is the best time to see the Perseids in August? The sky event has been visible at night for several days, but the peak of the shooting star shower will be reached between August 9th and 13th. Even with the naked eye, up to 60 shooting stars per hour are visible on average – sometimes there are up to 100 shooting stars per hour. Since the so-called super moon was already in the sky at the beginning of the month, there is a very good chance this year that the nights will get darker and allow a glimpse of the shooting stars.

Observing the stars: when the Perseids are best visible

The best time to observe the Perseids in August 2023 depends primarily on the weather. Because heavy clouds can put a spanner in the works for astro fans. Basically, the following applies: From when the Perseids are visible is related to twilight. If this is already a few hours ago and the next sunrise is still far away, the chances of seeing the shooting stars increase significantly. However, it is usually worth looking up as soon as it gets dark.

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Stargazing tips: How to see the Perseids

Stargazing can quickly become frustrating: sometimes the night sky is just overwhelming and stargazers can’t orientate themselves. There are many tips for observing the Perseids. But the most important thing is that the ideal location is chosen. Also, stars move from east to west at night. The polar star Polaris can also be used as a fixed point of reference. Starting from this point, the constellation Perseus can then be searched for. But the most important thing when observing the stars or the Perseids is: plan your time – and think about warm clothing and enough food.

There are also numerous places in Germany that have little air pollution and thus allow an unadulterated view of the Perseids. Rural regions have a clear advantage here. It is not possible to say exactly when the Perseids can be observed, but theoretically it is possible to see the shooting stars until August 24, 2023.

When to observe Perseids in the sky: direction and time are decisive

Observing the Perseids in August 2023 will most likely be a highlight of the season for many astro fans. But other months also offer special sky phenomena. An overview in the form of an astronomical annual forecast shows when a look at the sky can be worthwhile. After the Perseids, however, you don’t have to wait long for the next spectacle: At the end of the month, a so-called blue moon can be seen. It owes its name to the fact that it is the second full moon in a month. (feb)

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