2023-12-24 03:24:57
Criollo Dogs are a phenomenon, there is no doubt. The first episode of the show premiered just a year and a half ago, on July 27, 2022, and since then they have toured the country and the world, filling theaters. The format is very simple, three friends –Lokillo, JP and Julián– tell what happens to them. It seems like anyone might do it, but no. The joke is in the transformation: what in life was anguish, on stage becomes comedy.
—What is Creole?
—What we call criollismo is an identical phenomenon throughout Latin America. In our countries that are politically discriminated once morest and impoverished by the state, we are made to experience such particular needs that solutions that are Creole emerge, says Julián.
—It is the ingenuity that arises in adverse circumstances…
—Analyze the funniest thing that happens in Perros Criollo, and in essence it is you facing situations that you might not handle because you are Creole, says Julián.
—Exactly, because it is not only impoverishment of money but also of information, of education, says Juan Pablo.
—That’s what makes you Creole, solving your needs with the little you have. But we have never said it regretting it or asking them to take pity on us. We say it proudly, that’s what we are. And whoever wants to push us away with that, push us away.
That is the grace of the Perros Criollos, which has allowed so many people inside and outside the country to reconcile with that criollismo, with that identity traditionally denied and ridiculed. It’s not regarding wanting to be like them, but knowing that you already are. That what they are, we already are.
And they do it in an absolutely effective way, since that translates into the closeness and participation of the public in the shows. Thus, they not only break barriers, but also invert the hierarchy. The relationship between the public and the artists is no longer so much nor is it vertical. No one is better than other. That’s what the move from traditional media and television channels to their own channels on platforms like YouTube is all regarding, transforming the relationship between those in front of and behind the screen.
That’s why the Dogs filled the Macarena twice this year, that’s why the tickets for both dates were sold out in less than 24 hours, that’s also why they didn’t need traditional media for such a feat. In the change of channel, of format, the joke is different.
—How is humor done?
—Humor is a sense of observation. Obviously there are also exaggerations, comparisons, imagination, but it is above all observation. You laugh and say, eh, yeah, I hadn’t thought regarding that, says JP.
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—How is yours built?
—Generally we are telling stories regarding something that happened to us eight days ago, on a trip. It’s very spontaneous, we are on stage what we are below. Juli says that our job is to experience things and then tell them later, says JP
—The principle is honesty…
—Perros Criollos, in some way, also has a rebellious intention because the three of us share that logic of not wanting strategies. We despise them. We don’t like them, they seem like liars and manipulators and people are feeling a cool attitude in that, which they enjoy and it’s like these men are not deceiving us, they are being them, says Julián.
But behind all that is friendship. It is obvious. It all started with JP, who met Lokillo many years ago. He was his hero, his idol in the trova and he told him so. Lokillo sponsored him, taught him what he knew regarding trova, humor, and life.
Later JP met Gambeta, from Alcolirykoz, at an improvisation event where rappers competed once morest troubadours, and through Gambeta he met Julián. JP introduced them to Lokillo and that’s where it all started.
Before work it was friendship and friendship is built by affinity, by sharing convictions, ideas regarding life and the world, but it is structured from honesty. That’s what Perros Criollos is regarding, that’s the fun.
#vindication #popular #ingenuity