Perpignan: a car ends its race on the roof in front of the La Source restaurant

The facts occurred this Sunday, July 24 around 3:30 p.m.

It is around 3:30 p.m., this Sunday, July 24, rue du Maréchal Foch in Perpignan, when the emergency services are contacted. A car has just finished its race on the roof, almost on the terrace of the La Source restaurant.

“The car arrived super fast, I would say at least 90 km/h!”says a direct witness of the scene. “Then I don’t really know how he did it, but the driver ran into the buried garbage cans, that’s when he went up in the air”, he adds. The containers are completely destroyed.

A car ended up on its roof this Sunday in Perpignan.
Independent – Michel Clementz

The car then flipped and ended up on its roof. “There was a couple inside the car, they managed to get out on their own, it seemed ok, they were lucky. But well, luckily there was no children on the sidewalk at that time”, complete the witness. Firefighters and police officers from the Perpignan police station were dispatched to the scene to make the usual findings. Speeding ? Alcohol consumption ? The investigation should determine the exact circumstances of the accident. “In any case, it smelled of alcohol and we saw lots of beer bottles in the car”concludes the witness.

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