“Perivolakia” became…”Perivoli”! The Agios Vassiliou Association is asking for problems on the beach to be solved

“Perivolakia” became…”Perivoli”! The Agios Vassiliou Association is asking for problems on the beach to be solved

In the “heart” of the summer, the problems at the “Perivolakia” beach, in Agios Vasilios are many, as a result the spot is in bad shape and the cultural association is asking for an autopsy to be carried out in order to launch interventions.

The Cultural Association sent a letter to the vice mayor of Rio Evangelos Katsakouliswhere requests that specific interventions be made so that bathers can use it. The letter is also accompanied by photographic materialwhere the deficiencieswith upside down benches and more. Among other things, it states:The beach of Ag. Vassiliou, in the “Perivolakia” area has accepted attacks from the elements of nature which raged during the winter. Specifically, as shown in the photographic material, one of the stone benches has been overturnedwhile the other has moved towards the seafrom the fig tree that was originally placed. Please perform an autopsy on this particular beach to assess the damage and proceed with its restoration. Also, a few more benches need to be placed, according to our suggestion, because this particular bay receives a lot of people.”

The president of the Agios Vassiliou Cultural Association, Vassilis Stamatopoulos, spoke to “Peloponnisos” about the issuewho emphasized: “Perivolakia beach is in a bad state and we cannot go swimming. We have sent a letter to the deputy mayor and are waiting for a response.”

We asked the president if in the letter he sent last week to the members of the Municipal Unit about problems in the area of ​​St. Basil, the association has received a response and he told us: “Unfortunately, we have not received anything.”

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#Perivolakia #became…Perivoli #Agios #Vassiliou #Association #problems #beach #solved



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