Performed tasks for payment in crypto: a resident of RG is accused of contact with an Iranian agent

An indictment was submitted to the court today (Monday) against a resident of Ramat Gan in his 30s, accused of having contact with an Iranian foreign agent.

According to the indictment, Aden Debs performed various tasks for his Iranian operator, for a payment that was transferred to him in crypto-currencies. Among other things, he printed and hung posters encouraging a military coup, and helped promote a Telegram group whose goal was to recruit more Israeli citizens. The indictment was filed at the end of a branched investigation led by Lahav 433 (Yachabel) and the Shin Bet.

The ads spread by the defendant, photo: None

The indictment, submitted by attorney Nathaniel Bojo from the Central District Attorney’s Office, also states that in the last four months, June to August 2024, the accused was in contact with an entity acting on behalf of the intelligence agencies in Iran, which contacted him through the Telegram network.

The agent introduced himself as Iranian and offered the accused to perform various tasks for him, for a high fee, some of which the accused performed, despite his understanding that the agent was acting on behalf of an enemy country. During the period of their relationship, the agent ordered the defendant several times to ensure that their conversations would be kept secret and to act secretly so that he would not be discovered or caught.

Among other things, the accused, at the request of the agent, printed and hung posters throughout the country, encouraging a military coup, and also helped to promote a Telegram group called “The People’s Army” whose purpose is to make contact with other residents of Israel for the purpose of recruiting them, taking pictures, sending parcels, etc.

The correspondence in Telegram, photo: None

In some cases, the defendant documented the actions for the agent as “proof” of their performance by him in order to receive the payment. The agent also ordered the accused to purchase a business phone and a dedicated SIM card, to purchase a wig, gloves and a hat and, at a certain point, to delete all correspondence between them.

An ad published in order to recruit Israelis, photo: none

The accused made sure to maintain the relationship with the agent for a long time, while responding to several requests on behalf of the agent, and even offered on his own initiative to help him in his actions, while receiving various payments from him from time to time and negotiating with him about the amount he would receive for each task. The accused received a total of He has a total of $12,000 in cryptocurrencies. For the aforementioned, Devs is accused of contacting a foreign agent.

The indictment includes an additional charge for possession of various types of drugs other than for personal use, including MDMA, cocaine, and more.

At the same time as the indictment, the prosecutor’s office also filed a request for detention against Debs until the end of the legal proceedings against him, in which it was claimed: “The respondent maintained contact with an intelligence agency from an enemy country, and within the framework of this contact he assisted it in its war against the State of Israel, among other things by documenting, for the agent, posters of a nature Inciting and divisive when they depend on the Israeli public space, and even by helping to promote a dedicated Telegram group that was activated as a platform for recruiting additional agents. The respondent’s dangerousness is intensified by the fact that his actions were carried out in the midst of a war, with all that implies.”

In the arrest request, it was stated that Debs admitted to the facts attributed to him in the indictment in his investigations by the Shin Bet and the Israel Police, although he claimed that he did not intend his actions to harm the security of the state. Also, Debs’ correspondence with the foreign agent on the Telegram application is consistent with his confession.

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