Perfluorinated: definition? hazards? How to protect yourself from these persistent pollutants?

2023-05-10 14:00:00

What is it regarding ? which products contain PFAS?

” THE perfluorinated (or PFAS) are a very large family of more than 4,500 compounds produced by man since the 1950s. Thanks to their chemical properties, they repel water and grease, and resist intense heat. They are therefore widely used in many products for industrial or domestic use “, says Éric Vial, director of risk assessment at ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety).

And in fact, they are everywhere. Here are the main sources of exposure:

  • cooking tools including the famous non-stick pans;
  • waterproof clothing;
  • furniture ;
  • food packaging ;
  • cosmetics ;
  • varnishes and paints ;
  • but also fire-fighting foams, electrical wire insulation, parquet waxes, etc.

An omnipresence rarely mentioned on labels. almost indestructible, these substances are nicknamed “eternal pollutants”. Due to their high ability to spread through air, water and soil, they also contaminate our foodin particular the shellfish and seafood. The health authorities have also set thresholds not to be exceeded for water, food, and materials in contact with food.

The European Chemicals Agency proposed, on February 7, to restrict their manufacture and their uses. Public consultations are ongoing.

What do we know regarding the dangers of perfluorinated pollutants (PFAS)?

The danger of these perfluorinated compounds is linked to a long-term repeated exposure. Although it is not currently known following how long they turn out to be toxic, the German Commission for Human Biomonitoring (HBM) has established blood concentrations from which an effect on health can be expected (for women childbearing age: 5 µg PFOA/l and 10 µg PFOS/l; for all other populations: 10 µg PFOA/l and 20 µg PFOS/l). These are thus twice as low for women of childbearing age, suggesting that exposed children in utero are the most vulnerable with these substances, and that the prenatal period is one of the most critical.

Hard to escape! In 2019, a study by Public Health France revealed that the two most widely used PFAS, PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid), banned in Europe since 2020 for the first and 2009 for the second – except derogation -, are found in the blood of all children and adults tested (regarding a thousand).

The demonstrated consequences

One of the most important and documented effects is the decreased effectiveness of vaccines in toddlers when exposed in utero and in the first years of life, at high doses of these compounds. A link between an exhibition in utero and the low birth weight is also highlighted.

In adults, they cause increased cholesterol levels.

Likely Risks

A link between perfluoridates, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes and hypertension during pregnancy is suspected. “Our available data also show a link with cancers hormonodépendants including breast cancer, says Francesca Romana Mancini, researcher. The International Agency for Research on Cancer also mentions a link with kidney and testicular cancers, and has classified PFOA as a probable carcinogen ».

According to results in animals, these pollutants might disrupt the production of thyroid hormones or even impact the fertility of women and men.

How to avoid them?

As for what is already in the body, there is unfortunately not much to do. It is, however, possible to limit your exposure to PFAS.

In the kitchen: packaging, pans…

Better use stainless steel or cast iron utensils. Non-stick pans labeled “guaranteed PFOA or PFOS free” use other perfluorinated compounds, which also seem to be of concern, and ceramics may contain them as well.

It is also preferable to limit disposable food packaging (pizza boxes, fast food packaging, etc.).

In the closet

  • Rely on labels which prohibit treatment with perfluorides: GOTS pour Global organic textile standardet Confidence in textiles.
  • Prefer waterproof clothing treated with polyurethane but this is not always specified. Avoid stain-resistant or wrinkle-resistant clothing.

In the bathroom

A large number of mascaras waterproofof the long-lasting foundation and liquid lipsticks contain perfluorides, without this being specified. To be limited, therefore. Also eliminate products containing PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), especially dental floss.

#Perfluorinated #definition #hazards #protect #persistent #pollutants



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