Pereira prepares for a possible eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano

The mayor of Pereira, Carlos Maya, headed an Extraordinary Risk Management Committee on Monday to analyze the situation of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano and review a contingency and support plan for nearby areas and cities that might be most affected by the volcano. . It was indicated that, in the face of a possible eruption, the main affectation to Pereira would be the fall of ash.

The guarantee of water quality for Pereira is a priority. So far, Aguas y Aguas de Pereira has reported total normality in the supply of the vital liquid. Daily monitoring is carried out regarding the quality of the water that supplies 98% of Pereirans, whose main source is the Otún River, to guarantee that there is no contamination with volcanic ash and that the water collection centers are sealed. The department’s Public Health Directorate will carry out constant monitoring of rural and community aqueducts, which are also operating normally today.

Mayor Carlos Maya made clear the indication of support regarding the hospital network and places of shelter so that Pereira can be a meeting point for people who live in nearby cities and who may be affected by the actions of the volcano.

All the entities of the Risk Management Council received the respective instructions, including increasing the number of firefighters to have a greater response capacity in the event of any eventuality. The Nevado del Ruiz volcano is still at an orange level of activity, which means a probability of eruption in days or weeks.

It is important to mention that, due to the situation of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, the population is recommended to be attentive to the announcements of the local and national authorities and follow the prevention recommendations to guarantee the safety of all.



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