“People with bipolar disorder should not be stigmatized”

Lhe Jean-Delay care unit, which has 25 beds, opened its doors in 2017 within the grounds of the Villa du Parc in Saujon. Its manager, the psychiatrist Olivier Dubois, who is also the CEO of the Thermes, recalls that it “is the only specialized unit in the former Poitou-Charentes region and…

Lhe Jean-Delay care unit, which has 25 beds, opened its doors in 2017 within the grounds of the Villa du Parc in Saujon. Its manager, the psychiatrist Olivier Dubois, who is also the CEO of the Thermes, recalls that it “is the only specialized unit in the former Poitou-Charentes region and that it corresponds to a real need”. For World Bipolar Disorder Day, this Thursday, March 30, in partnership with Argos 2001, the national association of relatives and patients affected by bipolar disorder, it is offering an information meeting open to all and free of charge between 4:30 p.m. 6 p.m. in the Cardinal room of the cultural space of the Château de Saujon. A patient will testify in particular about her illness.

How does the Jean-Delay unit work?

Two psychiatrists, a psychologist and a nursing team work there. A distinction must be made between two types of disorders. There are type 1 bipolars who experience periods of very intense euphoria and depression. Some are even supported in a secure environment. And then there are the type 2 bipolars that we get here.

They have the same symptoms but not of the same intensity…

Yes. During the euphoria phase, patients tend to overdo things, to spend lavishly. I remember a patient who was going to bet between 30,000 and 40,000 euros at the Royan casino. They buy nice cars, go on trips. They feel like nothing can reach them and are unaware of their condition. At that time, it is complicated for them to accept care. The second phase is that of depression.

What are the therapies?

In the acute phase, the therapy is essentially medicinal. Afterwards, when the pressure drops, the disease must be explained. We know how it is set up. Patients are taught to recognize symptoms. In a phase of prevention, one can recommend the balneotherapy which brings appeasement. The trap of this disease, finally, is first of all its detection.

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That’s to say ?

People will tend to go online when they have complicated periods and find symptoms. Beware of self-diagnosis sometimes validated by a general practitioner. It is a disease that must fit into pathological criteria. It’s not because we have a slump or euphoria that we are bipolar.

What is the impact on loved ones?

One of our patients says that her family has moved away from her. There is a stigma. However, we know that a benevolent presence of loved ones is fundamental. The origins of the disease are two-fold. There is the genetic aspect with families affected over two or three generations. We are ten times more likely to be sick when someone in our family has been. The disorders are usually detected in late adolescence. Type 2 cases were often marked by a painful event, a trauma. The disease comes later.

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