people on the street – The Time

Earthquake in Calabria where a strong shock with epicenter near Cosenza pushed many people into the streets. The earthquake that occurred at 9.44 pm on Thursday 1 August was clearly felt throughout Calabria, with the exception of Reggio, but also in part of Puglia and in various areas of Basilicata. According to data from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the magnitude of the earthquake is around 5.0. The earthquake was located 3 km from Pietrapola, at a depth of 21 km. The epicenter was in the Ionian area of ​​Cosenza, but the long and intense shock was also felt in the city of Cosenza and in the hinterland. People took to the streets and left their homes for fear of subsequent tremors.

“No reports of damage or requests for assistance have been received by the fire brigade’s operations rooms. Checks are underway”, the fire brigade wrote on X. “From the initial checks carried out by the Department’s Italian Situation Room in contact with the territory, there have been NO damages to people or things at the moment”, the Civil Protection Department reports. “Strong earthquake of magnitude 5 with epicentre in Pietrapaola, in the Cosenza area, but felt throughout Calabria. Lots of fear, people on the streets, and understandable concern – declared Roberto Occhiuto, president of the Calabria Region – The regional Civil Protection machine, with the help of the Fire Brigade, immediately started to move, and in these minutes is checking – also through the collaboration of many local administrators, starting with the mayor of Pietrapaola, Manuela Labonia – for any damages to people or things”.

#people #street #Time
2024-08-04 00:34:58



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