People of it time for your wisdom?

The Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Dr. Nayef Al-Hajraf, announced from the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Council, in Riyadh, yesterday, Thursday.

He stated that the council will host Yemeni-Yemeni negotiations this month, from March 29 to April 7, indicating that the consultations aim to achieve peace, help Yemen, as well as open humanitarian corridors and achieve stability.

Al-Hajraf stressed that what the Gulf Cooperation Council is offering is not a new initiative, nor a new conference; Simply, providing a space for “all” Yemenis to talk without exception, including Al-Houthi, and the main message is that the solution is in the hands of the Yemenis.

The goal is to start the process of internal Yemeni negotiations, under Gulf auspices, and to enter into peace negotiations, in which the United Nations will be present.

Will Al-Houthi attend? Or refuse, as most likely? And if he attends consultations under the auspices of the Gulf institution, does this mean his acceptance of the logic of the homeland and national partnership, and is this the first time that Al-Houthi attended a Yemeni dialogue under the auspices of the Gulf?

Al-Houthi had previously been involved in many of the Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue stations with Gulf support, whether in Riyadh or Kuwait or the well-known Gulf initiative in 2011, and other means pursued by the Gulf states led by Saudi Arabia to facilitate the birth of a general Yemeni national agreement and the inauguration of the united nation state, leaving the decision of formula and paths to Yemeni institutions are for the people of Yemen, the only role is support and assistance.

The economic, humanitarian, and security situation in Yemen, all of Yemen, whether under the authority of the Houthis, the legitimacy or the south, and others, is all very bad for everyone, and the war has exhausted the Yemeni people, before the Gulf states. The Gulf states are continuing their development, economic and social programs without stopping, and everyone sees What is happening, for example, in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, with amazing rapid steps towards modernization and development?

Who needs peace more, the people of Yemen, or their neighbors? There is no doubt that everyone needs peace, but the people of “happy” are the most in need, as they are the ones who disintegrated their homeland, the fragmentation of their people, the loss of their economy, and despair came to every conflict, isolation and Yemeni village.

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What is required is the achievement of peace and the birth of the state, whether that is through a military, political or other solution. The means remain in the realm of the means, the most important thing is to achieve the goal.

Will this Gulf endeavor succeed, and the Yemenis reach a common word among themselves, whether he brought al-Houthi or not? Everyone hopes so – but to correct my words, not everyone – there are Yemenis who want to perpetuate the situation as it is in Yemen, there is no solution… no resolution, and everyone does that for a purpose in himself, or the soul of those who manage it.

Al-Houthi does not want a national solution, because he has his own ideological and political program and is alien to the Yemeni “republic,” but he is not alone. It is.

However, 7 years of division in the Yemeni word and the loss of peace, the time has come for its end.

Quoted from the Middle East

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