“People must be able to live in the Valley and work there”, the future Roya factory is on the way

2023-10-21 08:15:00

In La Brigue, the builders of a new economic, social, united and human world were there at the future Manufacture de la Roya. After the reconstruction of the Valley’s infrastructure following storm Alex, time for economic, social, solidarity and human reconstruction. “Rebuilding is done, but people must be able to live in the Valley and work there.”launched Sébastien Olharan, departmental delegate, who participated in this day, dedicated to the rebirth of the Roya Valley.

Enthusiasm, dynamism, hope, the future, were in evidence on Tuesday October 10 at La Brigue. Prefecture, elected officials, CARF, the Third Lieux Sud, the ESS of the Pays de Grasse, craftsmen, artists – stakeholders in the project – they were all there to present, inspire, share their experiences and contribute their stone to the building. A new Valley is underway with two appropriate systems: Third Places and the ESS.

La Brig joins the Third Places system

The municipality owns the SNCF station site. This is where the Manufacture de la Roya will be located for a subsidized construction budget of 1,634,800 euros. Artisanal activities within Lo Recampum have taken place for several years in buildings that have long been disused. Professionals there have developed the three heritage sectors of the Valley: wood, wool, stone. They also set up a Third Place ahead of time, sharing values ​​that are close to their hearts: the spirit of exchange, conviviality in work and training.

The Manufacture will welcome the artisans already in place. They will work on short production circuits, respectful of the environment and people. Other artisanal and cultural initiatives through the ESS (Social and Solidarity Economy) will also be able to develop there.

The Brig joins the ESS

Sharing space, pooling skills and tools, openness to training, are the key words of the Social and Solidarity Economy. The public authorities are mobilized in this process. The presence of Cléo Muzard, Interministerial Mission for the Reconstruction of the Valley (MIRV) project manager at the prefecture, is witness to this. Daniel Alberti, thinks that “joining the ESS system, with the creation of Third Places on the site as support, is a plus for the workers but also for the village. The solidarity, the mutual aid that we experienced after the Alex disaster, must continue and fight to keep these values ​​alive in a society which tends to lose them..

The storm disaster brought about a renaissance in all areas. These dynamic and voluntary women and men are rebuilding the Valley and taking charge of their future in a united, economic, social and human spirit.

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Will the Roya Valley be a future laboratory for a better-thought-out economy and a new life? The stakes are high, but they are all ready. “It’s certain, the Valley will be different.” enthused Daniel Alberti.

What are Third Places?

Philippe Chemla from the Sud Tiers Lieux regional network explained it well. “It is an intermediate place between work and home. It is a social place which brings together citizens, entrepreneurs, local craftsmen, associations, artists who innovate in terms of the organization of work, culture and well-being. It also means supporting people who are far from employment or training.”.

These spaces, designed to exchange, participate in leisure or various activities, to train, bring together players in the field to pool skills, innovative ideas and plural tools.

It is no longer a question of thinking individually but collectively and acting cooperatively. The Third Places network has developed throughout France.

The PACA region has between 150 and 200. It is contributory and permanently open to new structures. A few key words to better understand: support, train, professionalize, pool, share, such is the concept of this network open to all at regional and national level. Léah Sékiou and Anne Lochin, from CARF, both project managers (“Small Towns of Tomorrow”), were present to provide their support and skills.


The Third Lieux Sud network is available to the public for any information.

#People #live #Valley #work #future #Roya #factory

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