People from the industry started talking about the extreme fees of Leoš Mareš –

photo: Herminapress, with permission/Leoš Mareš

“It doesn’t matter whether you like him or don’t even want to see him, you just know him,” says marketing expert Lukáš Bureš about Leoš Mareš, whose fees for performances break records in many places in the country. has covered Leoš Mareš’s fees in the past. Let us recall that the media hype occurred after the declassification of his fee at the Zlín Region Day 2024 event, which amounted to 484,000 crowns and was a record for the Zlín Region. According to Mareš, he eventually gave the fee to charity.

Recently, Leoš Mareš again performed at the Mělník vintage, the organizer paid the well-known Czech presenter and singer 605 thousand crowns per hour.

However, according to marketing experts, paying for Mareš is simply worth it.

“Leoš is still an attraction and he is still on course. Many people simply hear his name. Of course, he cannot be hired by a small company with a vision of astronomical sales, but rather by a large company or company that has budgets to acquire a personality for advertising or for its own event and thus attract the public’s interest,” says marketing expert Ondřej Vácha from the Future Tales agency.

According to him, Leoš Mareš has been working on his own brand for many years and is one of the few who has deserved and justified rewards.

We wrote

Leoš Mareš has one of the largest fan bases in the Czech Republic. Over a million people follow him on Instagram alone.…

“If I had the opportunity to book him as a singer for my event for medium to high hundreds of thousands, I would probably do it. It would be a good attraction in my opinion. On the other hand, I also understand those opinions that claim that Mareš is expensive, but he was able to simply defend his price tag during his years of work in the Czech show business and he has it set up like this,” Vácha is clear.

Lukáš Bureš, who owns the Evolution marketing agency and also teaches marketing at Newton University, also agrees.

Star and allure

“His name means prestige. There is probably no Czech who does not know Leoš Mareš. It doesn’t matter if you like him or don’t even want to see him, you just know him. It is associated with success, luxury and VIP,” he says.

“When it comes to his fees, you always have to put price and potential benefit on the scales. If he went to start a match in the fourth football league for half a million, it probably wouldn’t have the desired benefit. But when he does the same thing for the same money for Zlín Region Day, we are talking about a completely different viewership, and therefore also the result and overall impression of the event. I think that Leoš Mareš is one of those who are worth the money. It will add a touch of exclusivity to the whole event,” he adds.

Jan Vavřička, marketing consultant and founder of the online agency WE ARE SUCCESSFUL, believes that Leoš Mareš is essentially a successful marketing agency that sells a live carrier of advertising messages with media reach on television, radio, print and social networks.

“Leoš Mareš could easily be called Leoš Showbiznys Mareš, because his large media reach connected to the commercial sphere is simply exemplary. From a marketing point of view, I see Leoš Mareš primarily as a unique information platform that contains a mix of communication channels. I see him as a purposeful and talented presenter and a very skilled businessman.”

“Based on my experience as a marketing consultant, which I have been since 2006, I can responsibly state that to evaluate the success of any marketing campaign, you first need to define the order of marketing services, agree on the amount of investment and specific measurable performance indicators. If an investor orders a concert by Leoš Mareš and in the contract they agree on a measurable performance and the desired media reach, everything can then be measured and evaluated,” he continues.

He adds that if Leoš Mareš’s concerts are a cultural event that the investor pays for from the culture budget and does not require any measurable marketing performance, then the amount invested is a matter of agreement between the customer and the supplier: “If Leoš Mareš can negotiate a fee of hundreds of thousands for the concert, it is it shows the strength of his brand, confirms the demand for his performances and also demonstrates his business acumen.”

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Mareš pays off

Leoš Mareš does not only count income from music performances, but also from advertisements. The editors recently participated in the Influcon conference, which focused on the involvement of influencers in marketing.

It was Mareš who was often mentioned at various lectures. Most agreed that his face and name are extremely attractive. Nestlé, which has the Orion brand in its portfolio, is well aware of this.

In the past, she approached Leoš Mareš to become the face of an advertisement for a new product, white bananas in chocolate. The presenter and singer had his hair cut almost naked for the spot, it was not initially known that this was done for the Bananas advertisement, which caught the attention of the media even before the advertisement was released.

“After the filming, Leoš Mareš came to his morning show on Europe 2 and had himself filmed with a new edit. That day, not only social networks were flooded, but also the media. The main topic was the hair of Leoš Mareš. At the time, Leoš said that it was about the filming of an advertisement, he even admitted that Štěpán Kozub was also involved in it, but he did not talk about what brand it was,” Nestlé brand manager Barbora Sulovská described at the conference.

The campaign with Leoš Mareš was really successful. According to Sulovská, the market share of the Banány brand has increased considerably.

Leoš Mareš: The King of Cash and Charisma

Photo: Herminapress, with permission/Leoš Mareš

Who Even Is Leoš Mareš?

“It doesn’t matter whether you like him or don’t even want to see him; you just know him,” says marketing expert Lukáš Bureš about Leoš Mareš. That’s right! He’s like that song that gets stuck in your head—whether you want to listen to it or not, it’s just there. And let’s be honest, you definitely know him, even if you’ve been living under a rock—or in a remote part of the Czech Republic with a very limited Wi-Fi connection.

Record-Breaking Fees: Is It Justified?

Our dear Leoš recently caused quite the stir with a *modest* fee of 605,000 crowns for an hour’s performance at the Mělník vintage event. That’s around 25,000 crowns per minute if you’re doing the math. Talk about inflation! But hey, according to these marketing gurus, paying for Mareš is like investing in a gold-plated ATM. He’s an attraction! That’s what they say. But what exactly does that mean—does he dazzle them with magic tricks? Or is it just the sheer power of being Leoš Mareš?

Prestige Meets Exclusivity

“His name means prestige,” says Bureš. Just like saying “Boujee” at a cocktail party, you know it carries weight. This guy’s so famous that if you mention him, a thousand people might show up—even if it’s just to heckle him! But let’s not underestimate Mareš; he’s built a brand that could sell ice to an Eskimo. The marketing experts are convinced that if you plop down a few hundred grand for Mareš at your event, you’re not just getting a performer; you’re getting a spectacle, a headline, a walking billboard! Just make sure you have a big enough venue to accommodate his *ego*—that’s the real ticket price!

The Business of Mareš

Let’s talk money. Marketing consultant Jan Vavřička has the audacity to say Mareš could be called “Leoš Showbiznys Mareš.” I mean, this is a man who can turn a mundane banana in chocolate ad into a trending topic. That’s not just marketing moxie; that’s what you call “branding on overdrive!” Nestlé knew he was perfect; after all, when the ad guy decides to shave his head, you know it means business—at least in the world of fruit-inspired snack foods. Now, that’s dedication!

Measuring Success

Every brilliant marketing campaign needs metrics, they say. If you’re throwing cash at a Leoš Mareš concert, you’re not just buying a performance; you’re buying engagement, clicks, shares, and whatever else the marketing wizards call it. Remember, it’s not about how much you spend; it’s about what you get in return—like a giant lottery ticket, but one where you know your odds are stacked in your favor because, well, it’s Leoš we’re talking about!

Conclusion: Mareš Pays Off

In a world where entertainers come and go, Leoš Mareš remains a titan—filling stadiums and wallets alike. From his record-breaking fees to clever branding campaigns, he does it all with style and a hint of cheekiness that makes you wonder: will he ever fail? Spoiler alert: not as long as he keeps showing up, looking sharp, and performing like he knows exactly what he’s worth. So, let’s fold our hands and applaud the marketing genius that is Leoš Mareš—just don’t forget to pay the man for his time!



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