People-Centered is reorganizing in Trujillo State

Jose Rojas CNP 25.946 /

Levardo Sidercas and Luis Nieto, promoters of the political organization Centrados en la Gente, reported that they are currently dedicated to the preservation of regional and national spaces.

In this regard, Nieto, regional promoter in Trujillo state, highlighted: “We are in the process of building and organizing all the structures, both national, regional, municipal and parish, we are in the process of building a force whose purpose is the country, to provide answers, to find solutions and to get out of the current crisis.”

He explained that several political organizations, unions, and social movements have been grouping together around Centrados to build the possibility that Venezuelans “need to turn around the current situation of social and political instability.”

Both political promoters emphasized that all these organizations incorporated into Centrados en la Gente are structured as the promoter teams, to give body and life to “our political movement that arises in a difficult moment for Venezuelan society, but despite this we maintain that there is a rebirth to build an ideology that advocates the transformation of Venezuela, with clear goals, proposals and programs.”

It should be noted that at the head of this organization there are people with a track record, with leadership and above all with a great awareness of what the country needs, such as the national spokespersons Enrique Márquez and Juan Barreto.

Founding Congress

Regarding Trujillo, they said that they had begun the organization and structuring in the municipalities where the promotion teams have been installed, “understanding that the work is hard and we have a great task to overcome this serious crisis that we are currently experiencing.”

Finally, they announced that, given the current situation, they are preparing for the founding congress, with the presence of delegates from all regions, the date of which will be announced soon. “We continue with enthusiasm and faith in building an alternative and fighting for the Venezuela that we desire and want.”

#PeopleCentered #reorganizing #Trujillo #State
2024-08-21 08:25:01



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