Pensions: Who retires from the age of 56 to 62 in the public sector [πίνακες]

The categories of insured persons in the State and the conditions they must meet in order to retire before 62 are as follows:

1. Parents of a minor child who turned 25 in 2011 and parents of three children who turned 21 in 2011. They retire either with a full pension at the age limit that applies when they turn 52 or with a reduced one at 56 if they completed it until 2022. 52 in 2018 has already locked in the reduced pension at 56 (which closes it in 2022) while for full he will wait until 60 and 2 months which closes it in 2026, and anticipates any increase in the age limits.

2. Parents of a minor child who turn 25 in 2012 and parents of three children who turn 23 in 2012. They retire either with a full pension at the age limit that applies when they turn 55 or with a reduced one at 58, as long as they complete it by 2022. Parent of a minor child with 25 years in 2012 and age 55 in 2019 he will get a full pension at 62 years and 6 months, or reduced to 58 which he closed in 2022. Alternatively he can recognize fictitious times so that at 62 he will be 40 years old and get a full pension.

3. Men and women with public employment after 1983 who complete 25 years by 2010 and by 2021 have a total of 37 years, receive a full pension with age limits below 62 years. With 37 years after 1/1/2022, 40 years total and age 62 required.

4. Men and women who turn 25 in 2010 or 2011 and have a total of 35 or 36 years respectively, with the age of 58 until 2021 establish the right to a full pension before 62. With 35 or 36 years after 1 /1/2022, or at age 58 after 2022, will retire on full pension with 40 years total and age 62. Alternatively at 58the year until 2021 they can also leave with a reduced salary.

5. Men and women who turn 25 in 2012 and have a total of 37 years with the age of 59 completed by 2021, leave before 62, while they also have a fundamental right to a reduced pension if they miss 37 years. At age 59 after 1/1/2022, they will retire on a full pension with 40 years in total and age 62, while retaining the vested right to a reduced one.

  1. Men and women who turned 25 in 2011 and age 56 by 2022 get a reduced pension anytime from the State.
  2. Men and women who turned 25 in 2012 and age 58 by 2022 get a reduced pension at any time without any change in retirement conditions.
  3. Men who turned 25 in 2010 and age 60 by 2021 get a reduced pension at any time.
  4. Women who turned 25 in 2010 and age 55 by 2021 get a reduced pension at any time.

Who leave before 62 from OAEE and ETAA

Five categories of insured persons in OAEE and ETAAA can leave with age limits of up to 62 years, before the changes in age limits catch up with them.

These categories are:

1. Mothers insured in the Legal Fund, with a minor child until 2012.

2. Women insured at TSMEDE with 35 years of age until 2012.

3. Men and women aged 35 until 2012 in the OAEE.

4. Men aged 35 until 2012 in the ETAA.

5. Insured persons with a disabled member (spouse, or child, brother).

The age of 35 is completed by redemption, 4 years for 2011 and 5 years for 2012, so that the age limits remain below 62. If the age of 35 is reached after 2013, 40 years of insurance are required to retire at 62, or at 67 if there is none the 40th year.

The women of ETAA who completed 25 years in TSMEDE and Legal Fund, and 21.6 years in TSAU, retire with the age limit that will apply after they turn 60the year of their age.

For the pension with a disabled member (spouse, child, brother), insured persons in OAEE and ETAA must be 25 years old by 18/8/2015 and the member is disabled, in which case they retire without an age limit while at 25 years old, or with a member’s disability family from 19/8/2015 have an age limit of 55 and 11 months to 62.

What changes to the reduced pension if ages 56 and 58 are reached after 2023?

Civil servants who reach the ages of 56 and 58 from 1/1/2023 onwards have an increase in the retirement limit for reduced at 62. For example an employee who turned 56 in 2023 will go out with a reduced at 62 and an employee who closes the 58 in 2024 can come out with a reduced pension in 2028 which will reach the age limit of 62 years. Accordingly, women aged 25 in 2010 will receive a reduced pension to 62 if they turned 55 after 2022, while men aged 25 in 2010 and aged 60 after 2022 will receive a reduced pension to 62.

Attention: Reduced to 62, all civil servants who completed 25 years after 2013 get it.


Insured persons with a fundamental right, i.e. with a completed age limit and the required insurance period until 2026, will not be affected by changes in the age limits as they have the right to withdraw at any time. For example, an insured who turns 62 to 40 years old in 2026 will not be affected.


Insured persons who will reach retirement age or insurance time after 2027 will probably be affected by the changes to the age limits. For example, a policyholder who turns 62 after 2027 will probably be charged 6 months and will come out to 62.6.

The age limits for pension from the State

1.Pension of parents of minors aged 25 in 2011

Age 52 years Retirement age limit
in 2017 58,5
in 2018 60,2
in 2019 61,1
in 2020 63,7
in 2021 65,3
From 1/1/2022 67

2.Pension of parents of minors aged 25 in 2012

Age 55 years Retirement age limit
in 2017 59,6
in 2018 61
in 2019 62,6
in 2020 64
in 2021 65,6
From 1/1/2022 67

3. With 25 years until 2010 and 35 in total

35 years Age at 35 years Retirement age limit
In 2018 58 60
In 2019 58 60,5
In 2020 58 61
In 2021 58 61,5
From 1/1/2022 58 62 and 40 years

4. With 25 years until 2010 and 37 in total

37 years Age at 37 years Retirement age limit
In 2018 55 58,6
In 2019 55 59,5
In 2020 55 60,3
In 2021 55 61,2
From 1/1/2022 55 62 and 40 years

5. With 25 years in 2011 and 36 in total

36 years Age at 36 years Retirement age limit
In 2018 58 60
In 2019 58 60,5
In 2020 58 61
In 2021 58 61,5
From 1/1/2022 58 62 and 40 years

6. With 25 years in 2012 and 37 in total

37 years Age at 37 years Retirement age limit
In 2018 59 60,6
In 2019 59 60,11
In 2020 59 61,3
In 2021 59 61,8
From 1/1/2022 59 62 and 40 years

7. Reduced pension

With 25 years Age of insured Retirement age
Men Women Men Women
In 2010 60 until 2021 55 until 2021 60 (anytime) 55 (anytime)
In 2011 56 until 2022 56 (anytime)
In 2012 58 until 2022 58 (anytime)
After 1/1/2013 Regardless of age 62

Pension from OAEE (men – women) and ETAA (men)

35 years of insurance until 2012
Age 60 Retirement age
In 2018 61
In 2019 61,3
In 2020 61,6
In 2021 61,9
In 2022 62

Women’s pension with 35 years in TSMEDE.

35 years of insurance until 2011
Age 58 Retirement age
2018 60
2019 60,6
2020 61
2021 61,6
2022 62

Pension for women under the age of 35 in the ETAA

With 21.6 years of TSAU, and 25 in TSMEDE – Law, until 2010
Age 60 Retirement age
In 2018 63,6
In 2019 64,5
In 2020 65,3
In 2021 66,2
In 2022 67, or 62 with 40 years

Mother’s pension from the Lawyers’ Fund

With 21.5 years until 2010 and a minor
Age 50 Retirement age
in 2017 58,5
in 2018 60,2
in 2019 61,10
in 2020 63,7
in 2021 65,3
in 2022 67 (or 62 with 40 years)
22 years old in 2011 and a minor
Age 55 Retirement age
in 2017 59,6
in 2018 61
in 2019 62,6
in 2020 64
in 2021 65,6
in 2022 67 or 62 with 40 years)

#Pensions #retires #age #public #sector #πίνακες



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