Pensions Exposed: A 27-Month Journey for 45,000 Retirees – Uncover the Beneficiaries of €1,296 to €2,619 Boosts

The sums they have received vary indicatively from 1,296 euros to 2,619 euros and come from the fact that the reduction of law 4093 – especially for the main pensions of the retired – is imposed from April 2023 onwards, without taking into account the amount of the dividend that they collect.

In practice, since dividends do not have the reduction of law 4093, the amount left for the same deduction is only the main pension and in tens of thousands of cases the reduction rate is less than before.

For the first time in an official response of the ministry to the Parliament, dated 5/9/2024, which is revealed by the “Free Press”, the obligation of the EFKA to proceed with a recalculation of the deductions of the law 4093 only for the main pensions and without their sum with the dividends is taken into account, “so that any retroactive amounts can be attributed to the interested parties”, as stated in the reply of the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, Panos Tsakloglos.

The matter of the recalculation of the deductions of Law 4093 in the main pensions of the apostates, as well as of the retrospective dues on behalf of the EFKA, had been revealed by “ET.” from the beginning of 2024 with his publications and with a relevant document of the EFKA that would answer from October 2023 to the Air Force retirees that they are retroactively entitled to the smaller deductions in their pensions.

The ministry’s response came following a relevant letter from the Associations of Expatriates of Crete, which was submitted to the Parliament by the MP of Heraklion, L. Avgenakis. In his answer, Mr. Tsakloglou, after referring to the EFKA document, acknowledges that the retirees have received retroactively from the downward correction of the deductions of Law 4093 and that the EFKA will proceed with the process of recalculating said deductions, so that to then pay the amounts.

The retroactive payments due are from the period when the reduction of dividends in law 4093/2012 was repealed, i.e. from 1/1/2021 to 31/3/2023, when the deductions were also revised downwards for the main pensions. In practice, many retirees have seen increases in their main pensions from April 2023 onwards due to reductions in deductions from that month onwards, but retroactives are pending as increases in main pensions take effect from 2021, which the abolition of the dividend cut was also implemented.

After the response of the Ministry of Labour, the time for the return of retroactive benefits to retirees begins to count down and according to information it is expected that at the beginning of 2025 the amounts due will have been returned by EFKA to the beneficiaries.

As Mr. Tsakloglou states in his answer: “It is necessary

recalculation of the cuts of Law 4093/2012 for the period from 1.1.2021 to 31.3.2023 on the sum of the pensions paid, which will not include the amount of the dividend, and to calculate and attribute to the interested parties any retroactive amounts. Given that the above treatment is complex and dependent on the amount of the dividends, and given that it concerns more than 45,000 beneficiaries, the services of EFKA, in collaboration with the contractor company, have taken actions to create a computerized application to resolve the subject”.


The retroactives are proportional to the amount of the main pension and whether after the dividend is deducted from the sum the main pension stays on the same 4093 scale of deductions or drops to a smaller one.

According to the table edited and published by “ET”:

  1. A retiree with a main pension of 1,940 euros and a sum of 2,528 euros including the dividend had a 15% reduction and lost 291 euros in the main pension. Without the dividend, the reduction of Law 4093 drops to 10% instead of 15% for the main pension and has an increase of 97 euros, retroactively 2,691 euros.
  2. A retiree with a main pension of 1,490 euros and a sum of 1,888 euros including the dividend had a 10% reduction and lost 149 euros. Without the dividend, the reduction falls to 5% and has an increase of 74.5 euros, with a retrospective of 2,025 euros.
  3. A retiree with a main pension of 950 euros and a sum of 1,120 euros including the dividend had a 5% reduction and lost 48 euros. Without the dividend, the reduction is set to zero, because the pension is below the 1,000 euros that the withholding of law 4093 begins to be imposed. Therefore, there is a pension increase of 48 euros, with a retroactive effect of 1,296 euros.


*The increase from the reduction in deductions goes directly to pensions for those retirees who do not have a personal difference, while for those who retain a personal difference balance the increase goes to the amount of the personal difference.

*In cases where the main pensions are still on the same scale

cuts, without calculating the dividend, the deductions remain the same and o

retirees get the same amounts.

Increases and reversions of portfolios from the haircut in the reduction of Act 4093

Main pension Dividend Sum Reduction of n. 4093 in the main pension based on the sum Recalculation of withholding 4093 in main pension after removal of cut from dividends
Reduction rate Reduction amount Main pension New reduction rate Reduction amount Pension increase Retrospective (1/1/2021-31/3/2023)
950 € 170 € 1.120 € 5% 48 € 950 € 0 0 48 € 1.296 €
1.310 € 322 € 1.632 € 10% 131 € 1.310 € 5% 66 € 66 € 1.782 €
1.490 € 398 € 1.888 € 10% 149 € 1.490 € 5% 75 € 75 € 2.025 €
1.580 € 436 € 2.016 € 15% 237 € 1.580 € 10% 158 € 79 € 2.133 €
1.670 € 474 € 2.144 € 15% 251 € 1.670 € 10% 167 € 84 € 2.268 €
1.760 € 512 € 2.272 € 15% 264 € 1.760 € 10% 176 € 88 € 2.376 €
1.940 € 588 € 2.528 € 15% 291 € 1.940 € 10% 194 € 97 € 2.619 €

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