Pensions: despite significant mobilization, the executive is betting on a new phase with the unions

2023-05-01 17:13:01

They wanted to “break the house”, to use the words of the general secretary of the CFDT, Laurent Berger. In this 1is unitary May, the last dating from 2009, the inter-union reinforced by several dozen foreign union representatives did not completely succeed in its bet: the call to demonstrate once morest the pension reform, thirteenth in row and above all first since the law was promulgated, brought together many people, without constituting the hoped-for tidal wave.

The 300 assembly points in France brought together 2.3 million demonstrators throughout France, according to the CGT, including 550,000 in Paris. The Ministry of the Interior has put forward very different figures, 782,000 and 112,000 respectively. According to Occurrence, the firm mandated by several media including “Les Echos”, 94,000 people beat the pavement in the capital. All in all, the figures are provided, a sign that the mobilization has not run out of steam.

And following ? All eyes will be turned this Tuesday to the inter-union to find out if a fourteenth day will be decided and, above all, to know the response to Elisabeth Borne’s invitation to “build” the post-retirement social agenda. Even if the unions maintain their opposition to the reform, a beginning of divergence seems to appear for the continuation of the movement.

For the new secretary general of the CGT, Sophie Binet, nothing will return to normal until the reform is withdrawn. His FO alter ego, Frédéric Souillot, returned to this Tuesday’s meeting before deciding whether or not he will go to Matignon. In the meantime, “we will continue to mobilize to roll back the government”, he declared to the “JDD”.

Firm requirements

Same desire to continue the fight on the CFDT side, but in a different form now that the law has been enacted. “The CFDT is neither for activism, nor for punching actions, nor to take the workers into the wall by making them believe that the president can withdraw the reform”, declared Laurent Berger this Sunday during the Grand RTL-“Le Figaro”-LCI Jury.

Clearly, there is no question of demonstrating for six months and a declared desire to renew the dialogue, but by setting firm demands. Obligation to negotiate the organization of work, real universal time savings account (with contribution from the employer), “professional” social dialogue, conditionality of aid to companies… “Everything will cost more for the CFDT”, warned the leader of the CFDT.

On the executive side, we want to see with this day the beginning of a new phase. Despite the “still significant” mobilization according to an adviser, opposition to the reform still high in public opinion and calls to “continue the fight […] for the withdrawal” of the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“For us, it is rather good news to have spent this day, advances a minister. The unions will indeed have to ask themselves the question of coming back around the table. “Reformers, their raison d’être, is to negotiate improvements. In the name of what would they say no? he continues, while warning that it will be necessary to “know how to give them a space” to regain their language and obtain results, which will not be easy or quick. The president of the Modem, François Bayrou, spoke this Monday on LCI, of a “new phase marked by the need for healing and reconciliation”.

In parallel with these attempts to regain language, the executive will closely monitor the decision of the Constitutional Council this Wednesday on the second referendum of shared initiative tabled by the left. No one really imagines in the government that it might be validated. Another step, the examination on June 8 of the Liot group’s bill to repeal the pension reform. If she is unlikely to make a full legislative journey, her passage to the Assembly risks being a difficult moment for the majority.

The salami technique

Emmanuel Macron, he will continue with his travel strategy this week and announcements. “His idea is that the cursor goes from casseroles to a nice shouting match. If he does that, he has won”, wants to believe a close friend of the head of state. “If by July 14, we manage to score points in three registers – texts voted on, construction sites that are progressing and casseroles that are calming down – the president will be able to draw a first positive assessment and make an appointment for the start of the school year. , hopes a minister. Otherwise… it will be worse. »

As such, the downgrading of France’s rating by the Fitch agency, pointing to “the political impasse” and the “social movements” as a “risk for the reform program” is bad news that Emmanuel Macron will try to thwart, step by step.

“Emmanuel Macron has no choice but to build short sequences that follow one another. This is the salami technique. When the piece is too hard to swallow, notes a close friend of the Head of State, we cut it into slices hoping that each slice will be better than the previous one. » An arduous challenge.

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