Pensioners reject the “refusal to publish the minutes” issued in elections

An organization of pensioners and retirees in Venezuela expressed its “deep rejection” of what it perceives as a “refusal to publish the minutes” issued in the presidential elections of July 28, and demanded their “immediate” disclosure, in order to guarantee “the legitimacy” of these elections, in which Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner.

In a statement, the United Front for the Defense of Pensioners and Retirees (UFAJUP) also expressed its concern over “the lack of respect for the will of the people and, in particular, that of the elderly, who made enormous efforts to vote.”

In his opinion, the “refusal to publish the minutes” and “to acknowledge the truth that the entire country and the world knows” condemns “senior citizens to continue surviving on pensions of hunger and misery” and “the absence of children and grandchildren who have had to emigrate in search of a better future.”

“The fact that the will of an entire country and of more than five million retirees, pensioners and senior citizens who voted on July 28 is not respected will also make them responsible for the fact that (…) we are in a state of poverty today,” said Ufajup, who asked the National Electoral Council (CNE) and “all institutions” to “act with honesty and responsibility.”

In addition, she requested the implementation of “urgent measures to ensure that the rights and needs of older adults are adequately addressed.”

#Pensioners #reject #refusal #publish #minutes #issued #elections
2024-08-31 13:54:10



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