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At the same time, Mrs. Kerameos referred to the results of the government’s five-year employment policy, noting that, for the first time, after years, the unemployment rate has fallen below 10% with now confirmed data from ELSTAT. As he pointed out, this does not mean that the problem of unemployment has been solved.

“We are reaching the hard core of unemployment. We received the index at 17%, significant structural reforms were made. However, there is no room for complacency, we have a long way to go,” said the minister, adding that for women “a lot of progress has been made, as the number of working salaried women increased by 24%, that is 260,000 more women, who are currently working compared to in the summer of 2019”.

The government’s concern, as underlined by Mrs. Kerameos, is the stimulation of employment in four main categories: women, young people, people with disabilities, pensioners.

Even referring to pensioners, she noted that we now have over 190,000 declared pensioners who are working. “Until recently, if you worked as a pensioner you had a 30% cut, we have abolished that. So in total, we have half a million more workers in the private sector. It is an important step forward”, commented the Minister of Labor.

Regarding the unemployment benefit, Mrs. Kerameos clarified that it has been the same at its core since 1950 and “its philosophy, until today, has been flat. Whether you worked 20 hours or 40 hours a week you got the same allowance. This is also an issue related to underreported work, because if you get the same allowance no matter how long you work, that creates a disincentive to properly report the work.”

With these data, she clarified that changes are now being attempted at two levels:

“The first is to make the unemployment benefit fairer, so that you don’t get the same if you’ve worked 40 hours a week and the same if you’ve worked 20 hours and the second level is to make it front-loading, that is, to give more money to beginning of the unemployment period and then the benefit is reduced, to motivate you to find a job”.

“We are examining all the parameters, in order to make the work allowance fairer and to combat underreported work,” added the minister and emphasized that the measure will be applied on a pilot basis to a portion of the unemployed.

Also, Mrs. Kerameos announced the extension of the Digital Labor Card, for the first time, to tourism and catering and explained that the Digital Card is a tool that helps to record the actual hours worked by an employee, in order to be paid for the time actually worked he works “This is also a tool against declared and undeclared work,” he said. On this, he announced that on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, a meeting will be held with the participation of the main social partners in the tourism and catering sectors, in which there will be a full discussion on the expansion of the Digital Card in these sectors.

At the same time, he stated that, with the implementation of the Digital Labor Card, there is an increase in recorded overtime and referred to the example of supermarkets: “We have an increase in overtime recorded by 61.2%” and attributed this increased recording to two reasons: on the one hand on the one hand in the growth of the economy and on the other hand in the implementation of the Digital Card, which leads to the recording of the real working time.

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