Penal Forum: Death toll in Venezuela rises to 11 in protests against election results

Caracas, Jul 30 (EFE).- At least 11 people died in Venezuela on Monday in the context of protests against the official result of Sunday’s presidential elections, according to four non-governmental organizations, a figure that almost doubles the figure offered earlier by Foro Penal, which leads the defense of those considered political prisoners in the country.

Of the total, Five were “murdered” in Caracas, Two in Zulia state, two in Yaracuy, one in Aragua and another in Táchira, and two of them were minors, aged 15 and 16.indicated Criminal Forum, Justice, Encounter and Forgiveness (JEP), Provea and Peace Laboratory in a press conference.

Since Monday, there have been multiple protests in Caracas and much of the country in rejection of the results provided by the National Electoral Council (CNE) – which grants a victory to President Nicolás Maduro – actions responded, in some cases, with repression by police and military bodies.

The NGOs, which called for an investigation, said they were “deeply concerned” by “the use of firearms in these demonstrations.”

On the other hand, Foro Penal indicated that, until 3:00 p.m. local time (7:00 p.m. GMT) on Tuesday, it computed 177 arreststhe majority in Caracas, with 38; followed by the state of Barinas (west), with 27; and Zulia, with 19.

A member of the Bolivarian National Police (c) confiscates a motorcycle from a protester, this Tuesday, in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE/ Ronald Peña

EFE confirmed that arrests continued on Tuesday during clashes between protesters and security officials, shortly after the end of a rally of the majority opposition in Caracas attended by thousands of people.

The coordinator of the Peace Laboratory, Lexys Rendón, said that they registered a total of 210 “spontaneous protests” throughout the country, which she denounced as having been responded to with “repressive action by the Venezuelan State.”

In this regard, he pointed out that members of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB, militarized police) and agents of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), in addition to “armed groups linked to the State,” generated “a wave of repression,” for which reason he demanded respect for the right to peaceful protest.

The majority opposition describes these demonstrations as “spontaneous and legitimate expressions”, while the Government labels them as “criminal” and “terrorist”, while denouncing a coup d’état “forged again” by “extremist right-wing fascist factors”.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP, Fiscalía), which is investigating an alleged plan by people linked to the majority opposition to adulterate the electoral results, has recorded 749 arrests.


#Penal #Forum #Death #toll #Venezuela #rises #protests #election #results
2024-07-31 23:21:37



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