Penal Code: In prison for “flea jumping” – The penalties for fires and traffic accidents with victims – What the Achaean jurist and PASOK sector head M. Skandamis says – 2024-02-28 13:51:07

According to the Minister of Justice George Floridisthe aim is to stop the impunity of medium petty crime by serving part of the sentences or by providing social work.

Specifically, prison sentences of up to one year they will be able to be suspended, if the irrevocable convictions – if they exist in the criminal record – do not exceed one year. Imprisonment sentences of more than one year and up to two years they will be served primarily with alternative ways of serving the sentence. That is, by converting the penalties into monetary or community service.

On the contrary, thei prison sentences of up to three years they can be partially served in a penitentiary (from one to six months) and the rest of the sentence suspended.

For everyday crimes, that is, crimes that are very easily and often committed by citizens, such as e.g. tax offences, non-payment of employer’s contributions, bodily injury to third parties, health offences, things get difficult and prison is threatened for part of the sentence.

For prison terms of more than 3 years it is envisaged that all or part of the sentence will be served in a penitentiary from 1/5 to 2/5 of it, at the discretion of the court.

THE causing fire in a forest by negligence, in conditions with an extreme danger index, when it causes bodily harm, death or serious ecological damage, it is upgraded to a felony, as is causing a traffic accident with a red light violation in the cases of dangerous driving when death or grievous bodily harm is caused.


The lawyer Marinos Skandamis

THE Marinos Skandamis, lawyer – Doctor of Law and head of Citizen Protection at PASOK-Movement for Changecommented on the following in his statement to “Peloponnisos”:

“The government ignored the opposing views of all our country’s law school professors, prominent judges and prosecutors, human rights associations and the entire political and legal world and proceeded alone to pass the new criminal code.

A piece of legislation that is the product of deep legal illiteracy, misanthropy and medieval ideologies of the ND leadership.

From February 24 onwards, officials, farmers, workers, professionals, students, doctors, journalists, even judges, but also anyone who breathes the air of Greece can find themselves in prison for minor crimes of moral turpitude.

But also for the area of ​​investments, where the ND has dedicated its communication and legislative activity, there is now a risk for every company administrator, manager and generally unlucky CEO, to find himself in prison for “flea jumping”.

The supposedly liberal ND brings deprivation of freedom for everyone. Even the officials of the government itself cannot feel safe, despite the sense of judicial protection they have. It is the duty of all of us to change this law.”

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