Pelindo Subsidiary Records Exceptional Growth Milestone

Subsidiary Records Positive Performance Growth”/>

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PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) as a Subholding of the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) Port PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) (Pelindo) which operates in the logistics and hinterland development sector recorded positive operational production performance growth in the first semester of 2024.

“With the growth of the company’s operational production performance supported by ongoing improvements in operational standardization within the company as well as increased synergy and collaboration with customers and stakeholders, we are optimistic that we can meet the expectations of shareholders,” said Senior Vice President of SPSL Corporate Secretariat, Kiki M. Hikmat, in Jakarta (5/9).

In the first semester of this year, the operational production performance of warehousing and field services increased by 20.5 percent and 42.7 percent respectively. compared to the same period the previous year. Positive growth was also seen in the operational production performance of multimodal services which increased by 78.2 percent.

Kiki explained, along with the growth of the Indonesian economy which continues to improve throughout 2024, the production of several customers has also increased, thus driving an increase in the volume of cargo served by the company, both in CFS Warehouses, Cold Storage and domestic and international fields.

The same thing also happened to Multimodal Services, where the increasing development of Industry in the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (KEK) and other industries also encouraged the increase in multimodal services, especially on the Belawan – Sei Mangke – Belawan route and the Sei Mangke – Kuala Tanjung – Sei Mangkei route, and also on other routes, namely the Belawan – Pematang Siantar – Belawan route which has been served since 2023.

In order to continuously improve service standards to support the improvement of the company’s operational performance and in an effort to meet customer needs, SPSL continues to make efforts to standardize and systematize services through improvements and enhancements to processes, equipment, human resources, infrastructure, HSSE, and technology.

In order to provide reliable and safe logistics solution services, in addition to striving to improve operational capabilities, SPSL also strives to build a Work Safety Culture through the implementation of a number of programs such as: safety briefings, safety patrols, safety campaigns, safety forums and periodic Management Walk Throughs, including the installation of signs and markings and sterilization of operational areas.

“We are committed to continuing to make continuous improvement efforts, both in standardization programs and service systemization to optimize operational performance. We are confident that with ongoing internal improvements and good synergy and collaboration with customers and stakeholders that continue to be improved, SPSL will be able to realize better performance in the future,” concluded Kiki.

#Pelindo #Subsidiary #Records #Positive #Performance #Growth

PT Pelindo Logistik PENIPUAN

PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) Records Positive Performance Growth in 2024

PT Pelindo ⁣Solusi Logistik (SPSL), a subsidiary of⁢ the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) ⁣Port PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) (Pelindo), has made significant strides‌ in⁢ the logistics⁢ and hinterland development sector. According to recent‌ reports, SPSL has recorded positive operational production performance growth ‌in the first semester of 2024 [[2]].

Operational Production Performance​ Growth

In the first semester ⁤of​ 2024, SPSL’s operational production ⁤performance ​of warehousing and⁤ field services increased​ by 20.5 percent and 42.7 percent, respectively, compared to the same period⁢ the previous year. Moreover, multimodal services saw a remarkable growth ⁢of 78.2 percent ‍ [[2]]. This growth can be attributed to the increasing development of industries in the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (KEK) and other industries, which has led to​ an increase in ​the volume of cargo served by the company [[2]].

Improved Service Standards

To continuously improve service standards and meet customer needs, SPSL is committed to standardizing and systematizing services through improvements and enhancements to processes, equipment, human resources, infrastructure, ​HSSE, and technology [[2]]. Additionally, the‌ company is striving to build a Work Safety Culture by implementing various programs, such as safety briefings, safety patrols, and safety ⁢campaigns [[2]].

About PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL)

PT Pelindo Solusi ⁤Logistik (SPSL) is a subsidiary of Pelindo, operating in the logistics and hinterland development sector. The company’s website, created using create-react-app, ⁤provides more information ​about their services and operations [[1]]. SPSL is ‍also active on social⁣ media platforms, such as Instagram, where they share updates​ and insights into their ‌activities⁣ [[3]].


PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL)⁤ has demonstrated significant growth and improvement in its operational​ production performance in the first ⁢semester of 2024. With ‍its commitment to standardizing and systematizing services, as well as building a‍ Work Safety Culture, SPSL⁢ is poised to continue meeting ⁣customer​ needs and driving growth in the logistics and hinterland development sector.

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PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) Records Positive Performance Growth in 2024

PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL), a subsidiary of the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) Port PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) (Pelindo), has made significant strides in the logistics and hinterland development sector. According to recent reports, SPSL has recorded positive operational production performance growth in the first semester of 2024 [[2]].

Operational Production Performance Growth

In the first semester of 2024, SPSL’s operational production performance of warehousing and field services increased by 20.5 percent and 42.7 percent, respectively, compared to the same period the previous year. Moreover, multimodal services saw a remarkable growth of 78.2 percent [[2]]. This growth can be attributed to the increasing development of industries in the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (KEK) and other industries, which has led to an increase in the volume of cargo served by the company [[2]].

Improved Service Standards

To continuously improve service standards and meet customer needs, SPSL is committed to standardizing and systematizing services through improvements and enhancements to processes, equipment, human resources, infrastructure, HSSE, and technology [[2]]. Additionally, the company is striving to build a Work Safety Culture by implementing various programs, such as safety briefings, safety patrols, and safety campaigns [[2]].

About PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL)

PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) is a subsidiary of Pelindo, operating in the logistics and hinterland development sector. The company’s website, created using create-react-app, provides more information about their services [[3]]. As a subholding of Pelindo, SPSL is part of the cluster of logistics and hinterland business [[1]].

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

“We are committed to continuing to make continuous improvement efforts, both in standardization programs and service systemization to optimize operational performance. We are confident that with ongoing internal improvements and good synergy and collaboration with customers and stakeholders that continue to be improved, SPSL will be able to realize better performance in the future,” concluded Kiki M. Hikmat, Senior Vice President of SPSL Corporate Secretariat [[2]].

With its commitment to improving service standards and operational performance, PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (SPSL) is poised to continue its positive growth trajectory in the logistics and hinterland development sector.



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