Pedro Troglio, categorical about his future in San Lorenzo

The Cyclone fell to Defense and Justice for the third date of the Professional League Cup, the coach faced the microphones and did not doubt his future.

By date 3 of the Professional League Cup 2022, San Lorenzo was defeated by Defense and Justice in the Pedro Bidegain, those of Peter Troglio they did not show their best version again, they still do not add in the championship and in the press conference after the match, the coach was blunt when referring to his future at the club.

What Pedro Troglio said about his future at San Lorenzo

“They are all 20 or 21-year-old boys, which is not ideal for them to enter into a situation like this either. I don’t want to burn everyone either, I’m looking for the ideal time. One tries not to send all the kids together and not to burn ships”launched in the first instance the main strategist of the Cyclone in the press conference after the loss of the premises before Defense and Justice, and then continued: What is also true is that the times that a coach needs are not the times of San Lorenzo. San Lorenzo needs to win yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is the reality”.

And I add: “I am happy because it was a team full of boys and they had the rebelliousness to bank the weather, to go look for it and the people, honestly, were barbaric. Nothing can be said, why people continued to shout and encourage, until when they put three to zero”.

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Likewise, later, he referred to his future in the Boedo entity and did not doubt about it: “If things go wrong for me, it’s my problem. I cannot condemn players, I have to recover players. I don’t care if they piss me off, I don’t care. If things go wrong, I take a step to the side and another one comes. I try to look for the best for San Lorenzo and for myself.”

What Pedro Troglio said about his future, after San Lorenzo’s defeat against Defense and Justice


What Pedro Troglio said about his future, after San Lorenzo's defeat against Defense and Justice

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