Pedro Sanchez escapes Senate appearance

The Head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, was to report to senators on what happened on June 24 in front of the Mellilia crossing point, where several migrants of sub-Saharan origin perished during their attempted assault. The tenant of the Moncloa Palace narrowly escaped this appearance which would have exposed him to criticism from the senators.

The Office of the Second Chamber of the “Cortes Generales” finally rejected the request of leftist senator Carles Mulet, reports Lavanguardia. The latter, known to be a fervent defender of the polisario, failed to convince the second chamber.

The Bureau of the Senate justified its refusal on the pretext that the Rules of Procedure do not regulate the appearances of members of the Executive before the hemicycle in plenary session.

Carles Mulet did not appreciate the refusal of his request at all. In a statement to the press, he criticized the Senate for not wanting to offend the Head of Government by summoning him to a hearing on the events in Mellilia.

The Spanish senator, let us remember, registered his request on Sunday, June 26, as soon as the first images of the drama of Mellilia were broadcast.

The latter was very critical of the government in its way of managing migration policy. In a Tweet, he expressed his outrage at what happened near the Mellilia crossing point and his government’s migration policy.



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