Pedro, el Escamoso Returns: Nostalgia Meets New Generations as Disney+ Debuts Reimagined Series

The return of Pedro, el escamoso to the screens of Canal Caracol and its addition to the streaming platform Disney+ has generated thousands of emotions, not only among the viewers who watched the first part over 20 years ago, but also with the new generations who connected with the content presented as a series.

Despite the many changes made to the story and characters introduced in 2001, one of the most notable was the change of actor for the character Pedrito Coral, who was initially played by Carlos Kajú.

Miguel Varoni returns more scaly than ever. | Photo: Caracol – Disney+

What does Carlos Kajú think of his replacement in ‘Pedro, el escamoso’?

Through his social media, young actor Carlos Kajú spoke out regarding the issue and shared his opinion after not being called to the filming of the second season of the Canal Caracol production.

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Photos taken from social media | Photo: Photos: Screenshot / Instagram

He stated that, on the contrary, the producers told him ‘something else,’ which he prefers to keep private to avoid any kind of inconvenience or news.

However, his followers on social media have sent him messages of support and have expressed that he will always be the original character, so he should feel proud of the great work he did in his early years.

“I don’t know if I am the real Pedrinchi, as I said, the character belongs to Caracol, to Dago García, to Felipe Salamanca, but thank you so much for holding on to that character that I created with so much love, with great respect and with all my affection,” he concluded.

Miguel Varoni’s reaction upon learning that Carlos Torres would be Pedro Jr.

In an interview with La Red, Carlos Torres revealed that after being hired by the production company, he had the chance to meet with Miguel Varoni to study the scripts, prepare several of his scenes, and focus on everything that comes with the great project.

However, at that moment, the actor who plays Pedro, el escamoso made a funny remark about his arrival to the production, which he remembers to this day.

The premiere of Pedro el Escamoso had good ratings for Caracol T.V.

The premiere of Pedro el Escamoso had good ratings for Caracol T.V. | Photo: Social media

“Varoni first told me, ‘but the boy has changed a little,’” he stated with laughter.

On the other hand, regarding his character, he affirmed that he was very committed to its creation and focused on doing it in the best possible way.

“He is a very intelligent guy, who moved ahead on his own, who made his life, who has his girlfriend, his economic stability, his company, and everything is very organized, and suddenly, 30 years later, someone knocks on the door and his dad arrives to stir everything up,” Carlos concluded.



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