Pedestrian (22) dies after a collision with a car between Hornussen and Frick

On Monday morning, shortly before 3.30 a.m., there was a fatal traffic accident between Hornussen and Frick AG: A 22-year-old pedestrian († 22) was hit by a 30-year-old driver on the main road. This reports «Argovia Today».

The accident was confirmed by the cantonal police in Aargau. The canton police cannot yet make any precise statements about the course of the accident. So she’s looking for witnesses. One thing is certain: the 80s track was unlit. “The street in question is completely unlit. It was still dark at the time of the accident,” said Corina Winkler, media spokeswoman for the Aargau canton police. The main road between Hornussen and Frick is closed indefinitely. (dzc)

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